Musings of a dance dad

3 min readFeb 29, 2016


Sitting here thinking to myself as my daughter dances her little heart out in the other room. The “waiting” room (for lack of better description) is half full, filled with women on kindles and cell phones. This gives me a chance to sit and judge everyone, whoops — I mean, to ponder some things …

1. I don’t watch movies anymore. Here my wife and I were, watching the Oscars last night, enjoying the outfits, laughing at Chris Rock, and really getting into the movie trailers. Then I realized: We hadn’t seen any of the nominated movies. There are smart people out there that will take that Oscars list, and watch them. All of them because they are good movies. This means they can have an opinion on the wins and the losses. I literally sat there and wanted movies to win based on how much I enjoyed the 30

2. Dieting sucks (unless it works) I’ve tried all kinds of ways to lose weight the past 10 years or so from Weight Watchers to the Cabbage Soup diet (it’s real: ). I’ve joined gyms, bought p90x, and started running in 5ks. Nothing has worked. I’m a big boy that has a love for bagels with cream cheese. However, my wife got angry at her own weight (she was a marathoner until recently going on the disabled list for plantar fasciatis) and decided to start a NO carb diet, NO sugar, portion controlled diet. Now before you freak out and say how unhealthy these diets are, it’s only intended to be used for a few weeks. Then I will work my way back into normal, unhealthy diet practices.

It sucks. I want bread. I want skittles on my ride home from work. I want pizza combos in the extra large bag and not the small pouch. I want nachos fro… ok I’ll stop. I have, however, lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks though and can wear some of my favorite tshirts again. I’ll keep you posted.

Fallout 4 (Xbox One)

I play this game a lot. I leveled up to level 34 last night. My only question is: would I still be playing this game if it wasn’t locally based in Boston? It’s a lot of the same stuff, over and over. And what’s the deal with cleaning up? Just because it’s the end of the world, nobody can clean up any room in the entire wasteland? This has always pissed me off about Fall Out games. When the world ends, the first thing I will do is clean up my house before start scavenging for weapons and Mirelurk meat.

The kiddos just got released from dance class, I’m out.

