Bottos Community Bounty Program

Bottos AI
8 min readNov 29, 2017


We believe in a decentralized sharing economy, therefore, we are establishing Bottos, an automatons organization driven by the community. Bottos is a decentralized data sharing network protocol based on Blockchain technology. It is also a consensus-based one-stop platform to implement the registration, distribution, and transformation of data among different participants within our broad-based AI ecosystem. We will issue 1 billion tokens called “BTO” that represent 100% of ownership of the Bottos foundation. Anyone can become a shareholder through your contribution in the Crowd Sale which will start in late December 2017.

Bottos is going to be a collaborative project and the beta version of the product will go live in early December. To raise awareness of the Bottos Crowd Sale and community development in US, we need to recruit community leaders and supporters for our ecosystem for the long run. Your contribution will be rewarded through our points(PTS) system. The current point to token conversion ratio is 1:20, and this won’t change prior to the token crowd sales. The points will be converted to BTO tokens on a bi-weekly basis and granted to the contributors within 14 days after theCrowd Sale ends.

Follow us below now to qualify for bounties!

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Talent Recruiting

1 Content Group Leader

The leader can earn 100 PTS each month if he or she performs the following duties.

⦁ Work with Bottos core team closely to get the direction and project’s update;

⦁ Recruit supporters with the interest to edit;

⦁ Train new members;

⦁ Create and assign tasks and provide guidance to ensure the accomplishment of the tasks;

⦁ Review the major articles to ensure the accuracy and positive impact;

⦁ The leader can perform all other duties that the regular supporters will do if time permits to get the reward as well;

2 Observers

We will need one for the content team and one for thepromotional team.

⦁ The Observer can earn 20 PTS each week if he or she performs the following duties.

⦁ Gather evidence of the completion of the tasks and verify them.

⦁ Communicate with supporters if some issues with content creation or promotion.

⦁ Calculate the points for each supporter;

⦁ Report the token reward summary to Bottos core team on a weekly basis.

⦁ Other daily tasks including the content creation or promotion are not allowed to ensure this role’s independence.

At least one Admin will be needed for each social media forum or group.

Admins can earn points if he or she performs the following duties.

⦁ Work with the promotional group leader to get consistent direction.

⦁ Circulate approved major updates from Bottos core team and post Bottos related articles or news (not necessary to be original) at least 3 times each week to earn 10 PTS per week.

⦁ Answer questions from the group and communicate key issues or concerns to group leader and Bottos core team in a timely manner. The group leader and Bottos core team will evaluate performance. If this task has been performed well 10 PTS per week will be granted.

⦁ 4–5 Senior Advisors

If you are C-level role from an AI related startup companies or at least Executive Director level role with related experience in Blockchain, AI, big data, analytics, etc at non-startup firms (including but not limited to technology, marketing, and investment firms) you are very welcome to become part of our advisory team to provide guidance for Bottos’ future development. The reward is lucrative and will be discussed during the interview if you’re qualified.

If you’re interested in those roles please email us at to include the desired role, your brief introduction of your background, and any related technical or investment experience in Blockchain, crypto-currency, or AI projects.

Bounty Program for Bottos Crowd Sales

For those who are interested in participating in the bounty program please register and join our social media sites to start your contribution immediately. If you have any questions or suggestions for the community development and Crowd Sale please feel free to share with us via email ( or send the message directly through our social media sites. We will reward good suggestions.

Follow us below now to qualify for bounties!

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Content Creation — 20,000 PTS

All original or translated Bottos related content needs to be submitted to the to declare your reward. The points will be granted after the verification and disclosed to the contributors on a bi-weekly basis.

⦁ Create Bottos related positive original articles with at least 500 words and publish them at Bitcointalk, Medium, or other Blockchain or AI related influential public sites to earn 20 PTS per article. The article must include the link of ⦁

⦁ Create positive Bottos related original articles of any length or content with sophisticated graphic design and publish them at the major social media platform or public sites to earn 5 PTS per article. The article must include the link of ⦁

⦁ Translate official Bottos articles from Chinese to English or English to any other language to earn 10PTS per article.

⦁ Create at least 1-minute long video to introduce or recommend Bottos and publish it to Youtube or other social media platforms to earn 20 PTS per video. The description of the video must include the link of It can be in the form of an animation, a real life video or whatever you feel it conveys the positive message about Bottos.

Follow us below now to qualify for bounties!

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Promotional Bounties — 40,000 PTS

All promotion actions along with your identity information need to be submitted to to declare your reward. The points will be granted after verification. The points will be granted after the verification and disclosed to the contributors on a bi-weekly basis. Signature Campaign — 5,000 PTS


⦁ Follow our announcement and update at

You need to make at least 5 positive posts a week in order for the bounties to count. Signature for Newbie 1PTS per week, Signature for Member and Jr. Member, 2PTS per week. Signature for Full Member, 3 PTS per week. Signature for Sr. Member, Hero or Legendary. 4PTS per week.

⦁ If you post the following text you will earn 0.5 PTS (one-time effort):

“Bottos Crowd Sale — Decentralized AI data sharing network to capitalize your data assets and evolve your AI development. Join Bottos earlier at to get a bonus during the December Crowd Sale token sale.”


⦁ Users will not be allowed to change their signature in the middle of the campaign.

⦁ Inappropriate content in a post about Bottos is highly prohibited.

⦁ All members need to post at least 5 posts with the signature every week to be eligible for a reward.

Twitter Campaign — 12,500 PTS


⦁ Follow Bottos on Twitter ( until the end of Crowd Sale you will earn 1 PTS.

⦁ Each original tweet, retweet, or mention with positive Bottos content will earn 1 PTS for the ones with 100 followers or less, 2 PTS for the ones with more than 100 followers. The content has to be maintained at least 2 weeks.


⦁ Your Twitter account must have minimum 25 followers.

⦁ Your Twitter account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.

⦁ You must be an active and regular Twitter user, and must be retweeting Bottos official posts and updates.

⦁ Account must be open as a Public Profile.

Medium Campaign -2,500 PTS


⦁ Follow Bottos on Medium ( to earn 0.5 PTS.

⦁ Create a positive story on your profile related to Bottos to earn 1 PTS.

⦁ “Clap” or make a positive comments for our content and bookmark our Medium Press release to earn 0.5 PTS.

⦁ Share our content on your Twitter and Facebook or any other social media sites to earn 1 PTS.


⦁ Your Medium account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.

⦁ You must be an active and regular Medium user.

⦁ Account must be open as a Public Profile.

Facebook Campaign — 5,000 PTS


⦁ Add & Like Bottos’ Facebook Page ( to earn 0.5 PTS

⦁ Like, make positive comments on, or share our posts to earn 0.25 PTS for each action. The same post can only be shared once at the same site.

⦁ Share the following text on Facebook to earn 0.5 PTS

“Bottos Crowd Sale — Decentralized AI data sharing network to capitalize your data assets and evolve your AI development. Join Bottos early at to get a bonus during the December Crowd Sale token sale.”


⦁ Your Facebook account must have minimum 50 friends.

⦁ Your Facebook account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.

⦁ You must be an active and regular Facebook user, and must be sharing Bottos official posts and updates.

⦁ Account must be open as a Public Profile.

LinkedIn Campaign — 5,000 PTS


⦁ Follow Bottos’ LinkedIn company page ( to earn 0.5 PTS

⦁ Share or Like the post of the LinkedIn Company page to earn 0.25 PTS for each action. The same post can only be shared once at the same site.

⦁ Make a post on your profile/wall with the following text to earn 0.5 PTS

“Bottos Crowd Sale — Decentralized AI data sharing network to capitalize your data assets and evolve your AI development. Join Bottos early at to get a bonus during the December Crowd Sale.”


⦁ Your LinkedIn account must have minimum 50 connections.

⦁ Your LinkedIn account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.

⦁ You must be an active and regular LinkedIn user, and must like our official Bottos posts and updates.

⦁ Account must be open as a Public Profile.

Telegram Campaign — 10,000 PTS


⦁ Join Telegram group ( to earn 0.5 PTS.

⦁ All members can earn points for sharing Bottos related information by posting at least 3 updates in groups they are in(not necessary to be a Telegram group) each week based on their group size, 2 PTS for each group of 100 people-499, 5 PTS for groups of 500–999, 7 PTS for groups of 1000 or more.

⦁ All Telegram related promotion actions through the groups need to be tracked by sending the screenshots to the Observers for verification.

Disclaimer: The bounty allocations may increase and points reward may change depending on the feedback from the supporters and the overall market reaction. A public announcement will be made for such changes.

Follow us below now to qualify for bounties!

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