4 min readFeb 5, 2022

My Summer Work of Learning How to Work in Life: Overcoming the Challenges of an Everyday Job
My name is Boubacar Barrie. I’m 17 years old. I’m a senior at Albany High School in Albany, New York. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. As someone with Asperger’s, work comes in different ways. While most kids of my age would get a job at a local fast food or grocery, for me work came by way of learning the skills that are needed in the workplace and how to socialize. I have been involved in summer jobs programs through the state and the city, which are designed as a work and a learning experience. One particular job program I had during the summer of 2021 was with Liberty Partnership Program. The program is both a job and learning. It is learning and a job because we were exposed to a lot of information about colleges and adulthood, but we were also asked to engage, practice discipline, and develop readiness which are all skills that are needed to enter the workforce as an adult. In a way, our work was learning about work and adulthood. We also had some fun activities, which made the program cool. Like other jobs, we were paid for the work we were doing in the program. We had schedules and tasks to complete. We worked in teams.
One component of the job was college trips. I went to a variety of colleges such as Vassar College, Sage, and SUNY Albany and Buffalo. The purpose of the college visits was to give us a better understanding of what colleges to choose from and get more familiar with college. One thing I enjoyed about the college tours was learning about the daily routine of a college student. One thing I disliked about the colleges was how small the dorms were. These college tours impacted me by giving me an idea of which college I want to go to and to get a glimpse of the college lifestyle. As a job, the trips had expectations. We had to be punctual and follow procedures. I realize this is important to doing any work. Another component of the program was helping the community. We did a project about helping underprivileged families. As a group we came together to come up with ideas to help get kids off the street and to reduce violence amongst the youth. This was a real brainstorming and creative work. This is the kind of work people do all the time in offices. We did not have offices, but we communicated, deliberated and made decisions. We also gained from the knowledge of other people who helped us develop our ideas further. Guest speakers such as the mayor’s assistant and a government official came to speak to us about ways to reduce gun violence and poverty in the community. They also showed us videos to help us get a visual understanding of what’s going on in our community. In a way I learned problem-solving and compassion, which are important skills needed in most jobs that people do. The job also taught me how to socialize with others and learn how to work in groups. I thought of different ways that I can help my community.
We went on several field trips but the one I enjoyed the most was the trip we took to Great Escape in Lake George. We went on many rides, but my favorite was The Comet because it was really fast. It was a day filled with fun. I socialized with my co-workers, played games, and ate together. We also visited the Adirondack Extreme Adventure Course but I didn’t enjoy it because of my acrophobia. The Adirondack Extreme Adventure Course is an adventure course on treetops that includes climbing ropes and ziplines. I attempted the first adventure course on treetops that includes climbing ropes and ziplines. I attempted the first part of the course. For the first part there were wobbly tree trunks that you had to climb and get to the finish line. It was very challenging for me but I tried my best to accomplish this course.
I enjoyed this job very much because I made new friends, socialized with others, got out of my comfort zone by trying new things, and I got to experience my first summer job. This job taught me very valuable lessons in my life such as working hard so I don’t get in a position where I have to struggle. It also allowed me to be more grateful because I saw and learned about others that are less fortunate than me. Another thing this job taught me was how to manage my money. With the money I earned from the job I was able to buy my own supplies, shoes, and clothing for back to school. In the end, this was a very enjoyable experience because it allowed me to branch out and learn many new things. I would definitely recommend you to get a summer job as well!
This essay was submitted to MoreWithUs - Everyday Jobs at for their Spring 2022 scholarship competition. MoreWithUs - Everyday Jobs is a great platform for people seeking entry level jobs with small business. It is free, easy and ideal for young people looking for their first or second job. Traditionally jobseekers are looking to apply for a job. MoreWithUs - Everyday Jobs gives jobseekers the power to market themselves; and gives employers easy access to qualified candidates. If you need a job or know someone looking for job, check them out. You can also find the MoreWithUs Jobs app on Apple and Android.