Joe Bou Khalil
Apr 25, 2024

The Power of love

Photo by gaspar zaldo on Unsplash

Love never stops loving.

Love is love, and it is always love.

I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but I will explain.

Love will never end in the world; it will never be weaker or, little by little, wrong.

It will always be the best and most strong in the world, and it will always help the ones that are sad.

It will always be with us, making us happy and gloomy about life.

Making us feel more loved day by day.

More loved by people with every moment.

Joe Bou Khalil

Hello, my name is Joe Bou Khalil, and I am a lover of life. I learn from life every day and transform these ideas into lessons that I like to share with you.