Dietitians Recommend These 5 “Bad” Drinks You Shouldn’t Avoid for Losing Weight

6 min readMay 19, 2024


Pour yourself one of these sips, please. Ultimately, they might even aid with weight loss.

Determining what is “allowed” and what is “off-limits” in terms of drinks and weight reduction can be quite taxing. In light of the constantly changing body of data and the disinformation spread by pseudo-science influencers on the internet, it can be challenging to determine what, if anything, besides H2O (water) should be included in a meal plan when trying to lose weight.

Sadly, thinking in absolutes can seriously undermine your objectives, particularly if you’re the type of person who prefers milk in their cereal or a cup of juice for morning. At EatingWell, we think that any food — including drinks — can be a part of a balanced, healthful diet.

For a deeper look at how drinks can aid in weight reduction and which “bad” drinks are actually okay to have whether or not you want to lose weight, continue reading.

How Do Drinks Affect Weight Loss?

Have you ever heard that having a glass of water prior to eating will help you feel more full and hence eat less food — and calories — than you would otherwise? It turns out that this is true after all! According to research, participants who drank two cups or more of water before to a meal lost more weight than those in the control group, who were told to visualize having a full stomach. In actuality, during the course of the 12-week trial, those who drank the water dropped an average of 2.6 more pounds than the controls.

The bottom line: Drinking enough water can assist you avoid mindlessly munching while also helping you resist hunger. Sports dietitian Sarah Koszyk, RDN, explains that “hydration is important because it helps us feel full and can reduce our hunger levels.” Sometimes we mistakenly believe that we are hungry when, in fact, we are dehydrated and thirsty. According to her, “a cool drink can both satisfy your hunger and let your brain know when you’re full.”

Additionally, maintaining the proper fluid balance will help to keep your digestive system functioning. Additionally, we’re discovering that long-term successful weight maintenance is correlated with gut health. Of course, most beverages other than water have calories, which is important while trying to lose weight.

Even if weight loss is your goal, you don’t have to abstain from calorie-containing beverages. “The correct beverages can boost fullness and reduce appetite. In order to enjoy life and accomplish your goals, concentrate on staying hydrated with beverages that suit your needs, advises Koszyk. These five are our top picks and a fantastic place to start.

5 “Bad” Drinks That Help You Lose Weight

1. Fortified Soy Milk

In actuality, soy products — including soy milk — are a fantastic complement to any diet plan aimed at losing weight. In fact, a randomized clinical experiment discovered that including soy protein in a high-protein, calorie-restricted diet caused weight loss that was equal to that of a group that did not consume soy. The takeaway is that soy protein does not impede weight loss and may even be beneficial.

Additionally, soy milk can support a healthy diet. “Adding soy milk to your diet is a fantastic method to increase your intake of protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals to meet your nutrient needs while losing weight,” says NutritionStarringYOU founder Lauren Harris-Pincus, M.S., RDN, author of The Everything Easy Pre-Diabetes Cookbook. To put things in perspective, a cup of fortified, unsweetened soy milk has 80 calories and 7 grams of protein.It also contains a lot of vitamin B12, which is something that plant-based diets sometimes lack.

2. Cow’s Milk

Research has revealed the reverse to be true, despite the headlines that have labeled milk as “bad” for weight reduction and blamed its (natural) sugar content. A recent research found that eating dairy products was linked to lower body fat levels and higher lean mass. It is a win-win situation for losing weight.

“Milk has numerous advantages. Leucine, a high-quality, accessible protein found in milk, promotes muscle growth, which can best support the maintenance of lean muscle mass, according to Koszyk. “People who are trying to lose weight want to burn fat instead of focusing on preserving and maintaining their lean muscle mass,” she says.

Milk provides an instant boost of protein if you’re in need of one. For just 90 calories, a cup of skim milk provides 8 grams of protein.
Department of Agriculture, United States. FoodData Central. Skim, nonfat, milk, or liquid.

It’s acceptable to include dairy milk in your meal plan, whether you prefer it in a bowl of cereal, a protein shake with fruit for an on-the-go meal, or on its own for a quick and nutrient-rich snack.

3. 100% Pomegranate Juice

Pure fruit juice, such as 100% pomegranate juice, can actually be a great method to taste and nutrient-densely sweeten ordinary water. According to Harris-Pincus, “sometimes we need a little extra incentive to increase our water intake.” According to her, you can urge them to drink more H20 by adding a dash of the somewhat tangy and sweet juice to water or seltzer without adding extra sugar.

Pomegranate eating has also been demonstrated to help lower blood pressure, blood sugar, body weight, and other cardiovascular health indicators. The fruit has a lot of polyphenols, which are healthy antioxidants that assist your body get rid of free radicals and reduce inflammation. Try our Hibiscus-Pomegranate Iced Tea for a refreshing take on iced tea.

4. Coffee Sweetened Naturally

The problem is that flavored coffee has a negative reputation. Even when the advantages of caffeine for weight loss are emphasized, coffee is nullified the moment a sweetener is added. That shouldn’t be the case, though. According to Koszyk, some coffee creamers have a lot of “empty” calories from sugar and saturated fat. While drinking black coffee doesn’t always suit everyone’s palate, coffee isn’t supposed to be a calorie beverage. Selecting a coffee creamer that is low in sugar and saturated fat might satisfy one’s cravings without deviating from their weight-loss objectives.

In light of this, it’s critical to think about what would please your palate and support your weight-loss objectives. According to Koszyk, this is where naturally occurring sweeteners like monk fruit or coffee creamers without added sugar come into play. Coffee can satisfy your sweet tooth without adding too many calories.

5. Low-Sugar, Low-Calorie Drinks

According to Harris-Pincus, “Diet soda is a love-it or hate-it item for many.” But moving from regular Coke with added sugar to calorie-free varieties can drastically cut your daily caloric intake and help you lose weight, she adds. The drawback of diet soda is that it doesn’t include any healthy ingredients, even if it is safe to consume in moderation, says Harris-Pincus. If you normally drink regular soda, we at EatingWell advise you to first transition to diet soda and then gradually give up soda entirely.

For additional information, go here.

How to Tell If a Beverage Is Helpful for Losing Weight

Do you enjoy a drink that isn’t in the top five? Be at ease! These are some guidelines that Koszyk and Harris-Pincus use to determine whether a drink is appropriate for someone trying to lose weight:

  • Verify the amount of calories. Consider how many calories the beverage has. Drinking calories that are equivalent to those from a regular meal is best avoided. To feel more content and full after consuming a meal-substitute drink, make sure it contains a source of protein or fiber.
  • Keep an eye on the amount of added sugar. Sugar, syrups, agave, honey, and other sweet foods are sources of added sugars, which are calories without satisfying our hunger. The recommended daily allowance of added sugar, according to the American Heart Association, is 24 grams (6 teaspoons) for women and 36 grams (9 teaspoons) for men.
  • Analyze the nutrients in its whole. Does the beverage have more calories than you would prefer, yet it also has minerals like calcium, protein, and dietary fiber? Then adding it to your day might be useful.

The Bottom Line

Contrary to popular belief, if you’re following a weight-loss regimen, you don’t have to limit your fluid intake to water. You are welcome to add beverages of your choice, such as soy milk, cow’s milk, or 100% pomegranate juice. “Any weight-loss program ought to be long-term viable. Harris-Pincus emphasizes the significance of consuming pleasurable foods and drinks that nevertheless enable you to maintain a calorie deficit.

Never forget that you have specific needs when it comes to nutrition. Creating a customized meal plan that fits your weight reduction objectives and incorporates your favorite beverages is best accomplished through one-on-one work with a licensed dietitian nutritionist.

