WapSwap — World’s First Chain Balancing Token (CBT)

4 min readDec 16, 2021


With WapSwap, you may earn money on the side while avoiding bank fees and having immediate access to your money.

You may use your smartphone as a wallet by swiping or tapping it on any WapScrip terminal with the free WapSwap software. Improved security, no additional fees, and a WapSwap that is so simple to use!

WAP$WAP is an Automated Market Builder in the Binance Smart Chain (AMB). An abundance of funds exists within the WAP$WAP framework. Adding token pairs to the liquidity pool allows users to earn transaction fees from other users who utilize the pool to swap tokens The WAP$WAP service from Binane Smart Chain has become popular because of its speed and low cost. The WAP$WAP system uses a cryptocurrency called $WAP. Buying and selling them is easy at DEX. There are swaps and liquidity pools for $WAP that can be used to exchange other tokens for the $WAP coin.

WAP$WAP can be used to develop financial marketplaces, products, and services. The creation of financial applications in a blockchain-based environment. An open source, permissionless, and transparent ecosystem of financial services with no centralized authority. A P2P application is one that does not rely on a central server (dapps). WAP$WAP does not need to rely on institutions like banks or courts to resolve disputes. In WAP$WAP, a third-party mediator is not required.

When it comes to making a decision, it’s all made for you by the software. The decreased costs associated with these products contribute to a more open financial system.

WAP$WAP Trusted Platform

Another two major blockchains, BSC and Polygon, have now adopted WapSwap’s $WAP token. This new cross-chain swapping protocol may have been made possible by WapSwap. An ecosystem of financial apps resides atop the blockchain networks. DApp WapSwap runs on a distributed P2P network rather than a single machine. Trades between two parties can be completed without the intervention of a third party thanks to Smart Contracts. Assured Security and Safety The platform was audited by CertiK, an industry-recognized security specialist.

One Stop for Cross Chain Swapping

Proposed in place of the current financial system is a more open one that is designed for the internet age.

WapSwap has a number of advantages over more typical means of money transmission.

Each and every transaction on a blockchain network is recorded in a distributed ledger, which is available to everyone.

To develop a financial application or product, the use of smart contracts and distributed systems makes it easier and more secure.

WAP$WAP Features

(Farming & Staking)

Liquidity Pools

Financial entities known as liquidity providers (LPs) donate money to liquidity pools. Traders can use a liquidity pool as a huge pot of money from which to make transactions.

Liquidity Pools

Funds from financial institutions are provided to liquidity pools by liquidity providers (LPs). To put it another way, a liquidity pool is a big pot of money that traders can use to make trades with if they want.


By “swapping,” we mean exchanging one cryptocurrency for an equal amount of another that you already own.

Staking Pools

Currency holders join staking pools to pool their resources and increase their chances of validating blocks and earning rewards. To ensure that everyone gets a fair share of the prize money, participants pool their staking power.


Increasing the value of your coin through mining is a method known as farming. A computer program known as a “smart contract” is utilized to lend your money to others, and it works like a charm. ‘ Your work is compensated with a bitcoin payout.


For example, an automated market maker (AMM) is a DEX system that employs a mathematical algorithm to establish the price of financial assets. Rather than using a typical order book, an asset’s price is established by a pricing algorithm.

ERC-20 Standard

With the ERC-20 standard’s Fungible Tokens, tokens that have a property that makes them identical (in terms of type and value) to one another, there is a standard for them.


Our platform enables you to get the most out of your money. This means that when your friends sign up using our referral link, you may reward them. There are awards for referring new players to the game in the Farms & Staking pool.

The WAP$WAP referral program will work if the following formula is followed:

Swimming pool on a ranch. You should be able to get 5% of your friend’s profits back. Your referral incentive will be visible and promptly deleted from your wallet address when the person you recruited withdraws WAP tokens to their wallet.

Your invited buddy will receive 5 WAP from “Farms” or “Staking pools,” thanks to your referral. As a result, for every five WAP, you’ll receive 0.25 WAP.

All of your referral bonuses will be sent to you in $WAP tokens. All fees will be paid for with $WAP tokens.

In order to keep track of your referral revenue, there are two independent counters:

Farms earn money through referrals.

Profits from staking pools that you’ve recommended

WAP$WAP has set up a referral scheme to get you and your friends more involved in the WAP$WAP community.

More Information :
Website : https://wapswap.finance/
Medium : https://wapswapfinance.medium.com/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/WapSwapFinance/
Telegram : https://t.me/WapSwapFinance
Twitter : https://twitter.com/WapSwapFinance
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WapSwapFinance/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7VKafPN8_FZANe_1jr9DLA

Writer :
Bitcointalk Username : juandelacruz2000

BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3396837

BSC Address : 0xD67807A56c2ac705E5dC11A71Da8febbA87Efe0e

