Welcome to Bournemouth Mini Bites

Mini Bites Mama
4 min readDec 2, 2017


Hello and thanks for visiting my blog. If you have children and you live in Bournemouth, then welcome — this is the place for you.

My Mini Bites on Bournemouth Beach

I’m a mum — I love living in Bournemouth, I love my kids and I love my food. I’m on a mission to make these three things work together — I want to find the best places to take the kids to eat in Bournemouth.

Beautiful Bournemouth Beach

What healthy options?

When I say best, I want great healthy food that the kids will enjoy. We eat out a lot, it’s an important family thing for us, but we’ve found there’s a formula which restaurants tend to use to keep kids (and parents) happy — pizza, burger, fish fingers, chicken nuggets all served of course with piles of chips.

Chiptastic child’s portion

Why Bournemouth?

Bournemouth is our home and it’s such an amazing place to bring up children, the outdoor beach lifestyle offers so many active things to do. But it seems that restaurants struggle to offer kids anything green or healthy.

Sunset kick around on the beach

More broccoli please mum…

Don’t get me wrong, my kids are not veggie loving, ‘I’ll eat anything you put in front of me’ kind of kids — they are very normal, fidgety, get bored very easily at the dinner table kind of children. There’s a rule of thumb in our house, the longer it takes for me to prepare a meal, the less likely they are to eat it!

But we want them to have the choice of something good. We try and make meal times fun and interesting for them. Nanny napkin head is always a winner.

Nanny Napkin Head

Well fed kids = happy kids

My husband and I may not always agree on how to parent, I think mums and dads see things very differently sometimes. But one thing that is really important for us all is that our kids learn what good food is and how important it is for them. Meal times can be lovely family time, plus it’s an important social skill to learn.

Essential breakfast wear

Where to go?

We are literally spoilt for choice with the eating out options in Bournemouth and there is a steady stream of new restaurants opening all the time. But we struggle to find lovely child friendly places that serve good healthy food that the kids will actually eat. My goal is to try and eat out with the kids once a week, to try and uncover some fabulous new places.

Super mum and her trusty sidekick

Mama on a mission — Why not join me?

I’m a mama on a mission to put great food back on the menu for kids. My goal is to find and share all the great places to take the kids, highlighting menus, facilities and the all important kids rating 👶👍

As part of my challenge I’ll be contacting restaurants, cafes in Bournemouth and asking them to share their child friendly offerings. I’ve also set myself a challenge of eating out once a week with the kids to review places in person — tough gig but am happy to take one for the team 🍲.

Please please help me discover the hidden gems, I know they are out there. Share your experiences and photos so we can help other families too.

I’d love to hear from you, in fact, I don’t think I can do this without you. You can find me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook — or right here.

Twitter —@BmouthMiniBites — https://twitter.com/BmouthMiniBites

Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/bournemouthminibites/

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/BournemouthMiniBites/

Email — Bournemouthminibites@gmail.com



Mini Bites Mama

Welcome to Mini Bites Mama — Helping families to feed good food to their munchkins #MiniBitesMama #Goodfoodforkids #MoreMealsTogether