Linux — Namespaces: Mount Namespace

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
2 min readJan 13, 2023


In the first part of the series we have talked generally about what are namespace and what we can do with them — in case you want to go over it you can use the following link Now we are going to deep dive into the mount namespace.

The goal of mount namespace is to provide isolation regarding the list of mounts as seen by the process/tasks in each namespace. By doing so different processes/tasks that belong to different mount namespaces will see distinct directories hierarchies (

Using “/proc” we can inspect the mounting points visible for specific processes using “/proc/[PID]/mounts, “/proc/[PID]/mountinfo” and “/proc/[PID]/mountstats”. For more information about them I suggest reading You can see the different outputs when reading the data in different mount namespace — as seen in the screenshot below.

After the implementation of mount namespaces the isolation they have created a problem. Think about a case when we add some device that we want to be visible on every namespace, for that we need to execute a “mount” command on each namespace. To overcome this the shared subtree feature was introduced in kernel 2.6.15 (

By using shared subtrees we can propagate mount/unmount events between distinct mount namespaces.( It is designed to work between mounts that are members of the same peer group. Thus, “peer group” is defined as a group of vfsmounts that propagate events between each other (

We can control the propagation using the mount system call by passing one of the following “mountflags”: MS_SHARED, MS_PRIVATE, MS_SLAVE, or MS_UNBINDABLE ( For a detailed description of each flag I encourage you to read the following link

For more information about shared subtrees I suggest reading the kernel documentation (

See you in my next writeup ;-) You can follow me on twitter — @boutnaru (

