The Linux Concept Journey — Character Devices

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
2 min readJun 29, 2024


In Unix\Linux hardware devices are accessed using device files (located in “/dev”). A character device is used in case of slow devices (like sound card/joystick/keyboard/serial ports), which usually manage a small amount of data. Operations on those devices are performed sequentially byte by byte (

Moreover, as with every device also character devices have a major number and a minor number ( ). We can think of the major number identifying the driver and the minor number identifying each physical device handled by the driver. Thus, we can say we have four main entities: the application, a character device file, a character device driver and a character device — as shown in the diagram below (

Lastly, in order to add a character device driver we need to register it with the kernel. This can be done by leveraging the “register_chrdev” function which is part of the “include/linux/fs.h” header file ( In the case of kernel version “6.9.7” there are 46 files which reference that function (

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