The Linux Concept Journey — Linux File Types

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
1 min readJun 1, 2024


As we know the philosophy of Linux is that “Everything is a file”. However, not all files are created equally. We have 7 different file types: directory, regular file, named pipe, socket, symbolic link, block device file and character device file ( — more information about each type in future writeups.

Overall, we can identify the type of a file using the “ls” utility using the “-l” argument ( The first character in each line identifies the type of the file — as described in the table below ( ).

Lastly, we can display only specific file types by filtering the output of “ls” using “grep” ( For example if we want to see all regular files in the current directory we can use the following one-liner: “ls -la | grep ^-” (

See you in my next writeup ;-) You can follow me on twitter — @boutnaru ( Also, you can read my other writeups on medium — You can find my free eBooks at

