The Linux Process Journey — su (Substitute\Switch User)

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
2 min readJun 25, 2024


“su” is an ELF binary located at “/usr/bin/su” (or “/bin/su”) and used for running a command with a substitute user\group identifier. “su” stands for “Substitute User” or “Switch User” ( “su” is part of the “util-linux” package, we can go over the implementation of the command as part of the package’s Github repository (

Overall, when executing “su [USERNAME]” we are prompted for the password of [USERNAME]. In case we don’t provide any [USERNAME] by default we are prompted for the password of root ( — as shown in the screenshot below. By the way, if we are running as root we can change to a different user without providing its password — as shown in the screenshot below.

Lastly, there is a difference between “su” to “su -”. The first one retains the user’s environment variables, working directory, current user’s shell setting and the target user’s PATH variable is not updated. The second option “su -” resets the environment variables, changes the working directory to the target home folder, resets all shell’s settings and updates the PATH variable ( By the way, it is recommended to use “su — login” instead of “su -” as a shortcut to avoid side effects caused by mixing environments (

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