The Windows Forensic Journey — “FeatureUsage”

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
2 min read4 days ago


In general, “FeatureUsage” is a registry key which is stored as part of the user’s profile. This means that the information is stored for each in the NTUSER.DAT file ( The location of the registry key is: “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FeatureUsage” — as shown below. It is created only when a user performs an interactive login which can be locally or RDP based (

Overall, the “FeatureUsage” key has a QWORD value called “KeyCreationTime” which can give us the first time the user performed an interactive logon — as shown in the screenshot below. The data is stored in the following format: “number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have passed since January 1, 1601 UTC”. We can convert it from “Window Filetime” to “Unix Timestamp” and from that to a valid datetime format which is human readable ( This can be done using “CyberChef” (

Lastly, the “FeatureUsage” registry key has five sub-keys: “AppBadgeUpdated”, “AppLaunch”, “AppSwitched”, “ShowJumpView” and “TrayButtonClicked” — as shown in the screenshot below. Each of those sub-keys provides information about executables that were launched on the system — more information about each one of them in future writeups.

See you in my next writeup ;-) You can follow me on twitter — @boutnaru ( Also, you can read my other writeups on medium — You can find my free eBooks at

