The Windows Security Journey — SACL (System Access Control List)

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
2 min readSep 26, 2023


Overall, a SACL (System Access Control List) is an ACL ( which enables the administrators of a system to audit attempts of accessing securable objects ( Every ACE (Access Control Entry) defines the type of access attempt that causes to generate an audit trail while performed by a trustee (

Thus, an ACE as part of an SACL can emit an audit record when an access attempt is failed/succeeds/both. The system writes audit messages to the security event log ( In order to read/write object’s SACL the relevant thread/process should enable as part of its access token ( the “SE_SECURITY_NAME” privilege (

Moreover, the “SE_SECURITY_NAME” privilege is defined as managing auditing and the security log ( We can use “SetNamedSecurityInfoA”/”SetNamedSecurityInfoW” ( or “GetNamedSecurityInfoA”/”GetNamedSecurityInfoW” in order to access the SACL. Those functions enable the “SE_SECURITY_NAME” privilege.

Lastly, in order to configure an SACL on a securable object like a file/directory we go to its properties and then we go to the “security tab”. In the “security tab” we need to press the “Advanced” button — as shown in the screenshot below. In the advanced security setting we can go to the “auditing tab” — also shown in the screenshot below.

See you next time ;-) You can also follow me on twitter — @boutnaru (

