How To Become a Sugar Daddy in 2024?

Eloise Bouton
7 min readMay 29, 2024

Diving into the sugar daddy scene is way simpler than it seems. Honestly, if you tick a few essential boxes, pour a bit of your soul into your online profile, and are all in for making your partner feel like they’re on top of the world, then you’re pretty much the dream sugar daddy already!

So, what’s the real scoop on kicking things off? Any special qualifications, must-know rules, or secret lingo to get you in the club? Don’t sweat it — you’re about to get the full lowdown in this guide to mastering the sugar daddy game!

How To Become a Sugar Daddy

What’s The Real Deal With Becoming a Sugar Daddy?

See, a lot of folks dive into the sugar dating pool eyeing what goodies they can scoop up. For sugar daddies, it’s often about the thrill of hanging out with vibrant, adventurous souls they wouldn’t typically bump into on standard dating platforms or in the everyday grind. And yes, snagging those experiences is a top-tier perk of the sugar lifestyle! But, to truly grasp the essence of being a sugar daddy, it’s crucial to flip the script and ponder on what you bring to the table.


Stepping up as a standout sugar daddy means tapping into your confidence, leveraging your know-how, and deploying your resources to make your sugar baby feel on cloud nine. Spoiling them with unforgettable outings, thoughtful surprises, and whatever support they need to thrive and climb the ladder in life — that’s your ticket to acing the sugar daddy role.

Do You Need Special Creds To Be a Sugar Daddy?

Officially? Nah, there’s no certificate or diploma that crowns you a sugar daddy. But, if you’re aiming for the hall of fame in sugar dating, ticking off a few of these boxes could seriously up your game:

  • Having the dough to spoil your partner. Don’t sweat it if you’re not rolling in cash like those tycoons flaunting their jets and yachts. The sugar world’s big secret? You don’t have to be filthy rich. If you’ve got the means for lavish dinners, thoughtful gifts, and whatever else you two dream up, you’re golden.
  • Knowing people who know people. Sometimes, rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers can be sweeter than any chocolate or champagne. Got a knack for networking? Your sugar baby might just love being your plus-one at glitzy events.
  • Wisdom to share. Jumping into the sugar bowl isn’t just about flashing cash. Got life lessons or career achievements up your sleeve? Sharing your insights could be just as valuable.
  • Confidence that makes them feel special. Sugar babies dig confidence. From sparking that first convo online to charmingly opening the car door, showing you’re secure and assertive is key. And yeah, being the maestro of date nights and getaways? Totally part of the gig.
  • Being Mr. Reliable. In a world where dating can be a flaky mess, being someone your sugar baby can rely on is huge. It’s about proving that, in the sugar sphere, you’re as solid as they come.

As sugar dating becomes more mainstream, the “rules” are getting a tad more flexible. Got something awesome to offer to your sugar baby? That’s your ticket in. Focus on the perks you bring to the party, and you’re well on your way to sugar daddy stardom.

How To Become a Sugar Daddy

Sugar Daddy Sites: Where to Start Online

Jumping into the sugar daddy role? Your first stop is probably going to be a sugar daddy website, and boy, have I sifted through the lot to give you the lowdown on where you might want to set up camp. Each platform has its vibe, perks, and little quirks, so let’s break it down to help you nail the perfect spot for your sugar journey.

Secret Benefits: This spot’s a heavy hitter with a whopping 20 million folks cruising the site monthly and a shiny 4.4-star rating on Trustpilot. Jumping in is free, and they’re strict about keeping those profile pics legit. Instead of a monthly fee, you’ll be dealing with credits (starting at a budget-friendly $0.29 each in the Best Value pack) to unlock the cooler features. The Search and Matches sections are gold for finding your sugar someone, though you’ll miss out on video chats.

Visit Site ➡️ Click Here With its sleek look and a user-friendly vibe, this site pulls in over 650K visits a month. Members are all about verified profiles, making the “getting to know you” game a bit safer. Fancy sharing or peeking at some private photos? Their Secret Albums feature has you covered. Just a heads up, enjoying the full suite of features here means buying credits, with prices kicking off at $0.59 in the Introductory pack.

Visit Site ➡️ Click Here

Ashley Madison: Originally the go-to for married gents seeking a side fling, Ashley Madison has morphed into a hotspot for sugar daters, boasting over 10 million monthly visitors. It’s all about discretion here, offering you a cloak of anonymity for your profile and the choice between private and public photos. Like the others, it operates on credits (starting at $0.29 in the Elite pack), so you can dip in and out of the premium stuff as you please.

Visit Site ➡️ Click Here

The Ups and Downs of Being a Sugar Daddy

So, diving into the sugar daddy lifestyle, huh? It’s a world filled with its own set of ups and downs, and I’m here to lay them out for you, straight-up style.

The Upsides

  • First off, you’re in for some company with young, attractive women. It’s pretty much a given.
  • Looks don’t play the lead here; it’s all about what you bring to the table. So, scoring a hot date is more straightforward than traditional dating.
  • Fancy dating more than one person? In the sugar world, that’s all part of the game.
  • If you’re not into the whole emotional attachment scene, this setup’s a dream. No strings attached, just mutual benefits.
  • You’ve got everything spelled out in a contract, which means the chances of getting played are slim.
  • Love your alone time? Perfect. You only meet up with your sugar baby when you’re up for some company.

The Downsides

  • Let’s talk cash. Being a sugar daddy means opening your wallet wide, and it’s not for everyone.
  • If you’re on the hunt for true love and a deep, committed relationship, this might not be your best bet.
  • Scammers are lurking around, so you’ve gotta keep your wits about you to avoid getting duped.

So, there you have it — the good, the bad, and everything in between. Whether the sugar daddy life is for you is totally your call.

How To Become a Sugar Daddy

Diving Into the Sugar World: A Newbie’s Guide to the Lingo

Alright, we’ve already chatted about the basics and the do’s and don’ts of stepping into the sugar daddy role. But, to really get the hang of this, there’s some insider jargon you’ll want to get cozy with:

  • SR, MBR, or MBA: These stand for sugar relationship, mutually beneficial relationship, or mutually beneficial arrangement. Basically, the foundation of what you’re diving into.
  • The Bowl or Sugar Bowl: Welcome to the realm of sugar dating. This is what insiders call the scene.
  • NSA: No strings attached. If someone’s looking for NSA, they’re all about keeping things casual and commitment-free.
  • LTA or STA: Long-term arrangement or short-term arrangement, depending on how long you want this sugar spice to last.
  • Platonic: A relationship where you’re just buddies, no bedroom Olympics.
  • M&G: Meet and greet. Your first real-life hangout with a potential sugar baby.
  • Salt Daddy or Splenda Daddy: Not the sweetest terms. A salt daddy’s stingy with their stash, and a Splenda daddy might not have the riches they bragged about.
  • Unicorns or Whales: On the flip side, these are the VIPs of the sugar world — either incredibly desirable partners or mega-rich sugar daddies.

Remember, the sugar community’s always buzzing with new phrases and trends. The best way to stay in the loop? Dive into conversations with potential partners. And hey, asking about a term you don’t get can spark some pretty great chats.

Here’s How to Get Started as a Sugar Daddy:

  1. Pick the Perfect Site: Scope out sugar daddy websites that are both bustling with potential matches and tight on security to dodge any scams.
  2. Polish Your Profile: Honesty’s key. Craft a profile that’s genuinely you, showcasing what you’re about and what you’re offering. For tips on creating a profile that’s like catnip for sugar babies, check out our guide, “10 Tips for Creating a Successful Sugar Daddy Profile with Examples.”
  3. Get Chatty: Once your profile’s live, you’ll start getting hits. Don’t leave ’em hanging! This is your chance to find that spark.
  4. Plan Your First M&G: Found a potential match? Propose a public spot for your first meet-up, something nice that shows you’re serious and generous.

Stepping into the sugar daddy shoes might seem a bit daunting at first, but really, it’s all about putting your best foot forward. The sugar world is ready and waiting to welcome you with open arms. So, go on, get out there, and remember, you’ve got this!




Eloise Bouton

Éloïse Bouton is a French journalist, feminist activist, and former member of the Femen group. Read More: