How to Find a Good Man in Your 50s — Tips for Women over 50

Eloise Bouton
9 min readMay 27, 2024

Entering the dating scene after 50, both for men and women, might seem challenging, but it’s an exciting opportunity to find love and companionship during this vibrant chapter of life.

Whether you’re newly single due to divorce or you’ve decided it’s time to prioritize personal happiness, the landscape for dating over 50 has never been more opportune. With the right approach, finding a good man who shares your interests and values is entirely possible. At least, it will be possible for you after reading my article with valuable tips and rules for women at the age of 50 looking for marriage soulmates.

how to find a good man after 50

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Seven Tips on Dating for Women in their 50s

  • Try Online Dating Sites for Single Women over 50

Online dating sites cater specifically to those over 50, providing a great way to meet new people. These platforms are designed to connect like-minded people who share common interests and values. Setting up a profile is not only a good idea for you, ladies, — it can be a fun way to express yourself and an effective tool to find someone new who is also looking for love and companionship, not only sex.

  • Expand Your Social Circle

Join clubs or groups that align with your hobbies and interests. Whether it’s a book club, a gardening community, or a cooking class, these are fantastic places to meet single men over 50 who share your passions.

You might think these are not the type of stuff mature guys are interested in, but, actually, there are many men who join such groups to find the love.

  • Stay Open to Different Possibilities

Don’t limit yourself to dating only older men or those you typically would have considered your type in the past. Being open to dating younger men or someone with different interests can increase your chances of building a romantic union with someone. There is no shame in discovering new relationship types, including mommy sugar dating or distance dating — the most important thing for should be your satisfaction.

  • Prioritize Honesty and Communication

Honesty and open communication are foundations of a healthy relationship. Be clear about your expectations and desires in your dating profile because this transparency will help attract men who really value and share your sincerity.

  • Keep Things Light and Fun

Every dating expert will say it — having fun with your romance partner is super important. Dating should be enjoyable, not a chore. For example, you can arrange casual meet-ups like coffee & bar dates or walks in the park to keep the atmosphere light and pressure-free.

Also, it can reduce the stress of dating and help both of you be more genuine and relaxed, revealing you from a date routine every couple faces.

  • Invest in Yourself

Self-confidence is incredibly attractive — you, ladies, should know it. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being can make a significant difference in how you feel and how you are perceived by men and also help in getting back into dating. Thus, if you want to find a companion, consider:

  • Updating your wardrobe
  • Trying out a new hobby to keep yourself engaged and excited about the things in your life.
  • Use your experience

Last but not least — at over 50, you need to have the advantage of your life experience. Use this to make wise choices in dating — you can be a dating coach to yourself, too!

You know what you want and what didn’t work in the past — many women forget about the power of their experience. It will not only help you but help men entering your life move towards a common romance dream wisely.

how to find a good man after 50

The Biases about Women in their 50s Who Decide to Date

It’s no secret that some people can’t shut up and be simply happy for others, especially when it comes to dating. Let alone when it’s dating at a senior age. Here the most popular biases about 50 y.o. ladies starting to date you should just not care about :)

  1. Ageism. One of the most pervasive prejudices is ageism. There’s a prevailing assumption that dating and romance are reserved for the young. Women over 50 might be viewed as being ‘too old’ to date or find new love. This stereotype undermines their desire for companionship and intimacy, which do not diminish with age.
  2. Physical attractiveness. There’s a societal emphasis on youth as the standard for beauty. Women in their 50s may feel judged against younger counterparts within the dating scene, with the assumption being that only younger women are physically attractive or desirable. This can impact their self-esteem and the way potential partners perceive them.
  3. Perceived desperation. Older women who actively date are sometimes unfairly labeled as desperate or overly eager to find a partner. This stereotype can be demeaning and overlooks the legitimate desire for connection and companionship that exists at any age.
  4. Baggage from the past. Women over 50 are often presumed to carry more ‘baggage’ in the form of past relationships, family obligations, or health issues. While it’s true that most people accumulate life experiences as they age, the term baggage is pejoratively used to suggest that these life experiences are entirely negative or burdensome to potential partners.

Rules 50-Year-Old Women Should Follow in Relationships

For women in their 50s, it’s obligatory to stick to certain principles that can help ensure the bonds with their partners are fulfilling. What I recommend:

Communicate Openly

At this stage in life, it’s important to express your feelings, desires, and concerns openly without being afraid how the other person will react — it’s a task for young ladies! (jokes :)).

Prioritize Respect and Appreciation

This includes:

  • Respecting each other’s time, opinions, and boundaries
  • Showing appreciation for each other’s efforts, no matter how small
  • Regularly valuing your partner’s contributions

Manage Conflicts Wisely

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but handling it maturely is essential. Manage your reactions and approach disagreements with calmness and a willingness to understand the other person’s point of view. Also, try to resolve conflicts with constructive dialogue and, when necessary, agree to disagree respectfully.

Keep the Romance Alive

Just because you’re in your 50s doesn’t mean the romantic aspect of your relationship should wane. Actually, it’s the biggest mistake for 50 y.o. women to act like typical 50.y.o. How can you avoid it?

  1. Continue to date each other like you did in the early days.
  2. Small gestures like planning special dinners, weekend getaways, or simply spending quality pastime together can keep the romance alive

Stay Flexible and Adaptable

As you age, life can bring significant changes, such as retirement or health issues. Being adaptable and flexible with your partner through these changes is important, while supporting each other during these times strengthens the relationship and builds a deeper bond.

how to find a good man after 50

Focus on Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is just as important as physical intimacy. Sharing your thoughts, fears, and dreams with your partner can deepen your connection. Regular, heartfelt conversations about your life, the future, and your feelings can help maintain this intimacy.

Like Each Other’s Families

At this stage, both of you may have children, grandchildren, or elderly parents who require attention and care. Embracing each other’s families and understanding the responsibilities involved can help avoid potential conflicts and build a family network that supports all involved.

Invest in Personal Growth

Most important is to continue to grow individually. This can mean pursuing new interests, education, or personal health goals. Having fun together is genuinely cool, but you should not forget that you are a separate person who wants to have something for yourself.

What Should You as a Woman Know about Men in their 50s?

Learning about your dating pool is quite profitable because you will know what to expect from potential partners.

Firstly, many men in their 50s possess a greater level of emotional maturity compared to their younger years. They are more likely to communicate openly about their feelings and desires, and they often have a clearer understanding of emotional support in a relationship. Yet, I don’t deny there are immature ones.

Secondly, as men reach their 50s, health becomes a more prominent concern. They may be more attentive to their health and choose a lifestyle that supports longevity — such as better diet choices, regular exercise, and regular medical check-ups.

Thirdly, men in their 50s are often at a pivotal point in their careers. Some may be in positions of significant authority and stability, while others might be considering early retirement, a career change, or scaling back their work to enjoy life more. This affects their availability and the priorities they set in their personal life, including dating.

And lastly — family can play a significant role in a man’s life in his 50s. He may have children from previous relationships who are adults, teenagers, or even younger, and possibly even grandchildren. His responsibilities and attachments to his family can significantly influence his availability, lifestyle choices, and how he approaches a new relationship.

Why to Date Younger Men for a Lady in her 50s?

Dating younger men can certainly be worth considering for women in their 50s, depending on their personal preferences, lifestyle, and what they are looking for in a relationship. Here are some factors that might make this option appealing:

1. Energy

Younger men often bring an infectious energy to relationships, which can be invigorating for women in their 50s who feel equally energetic and adventurous. This dynamic can lead to trying new activities, traveling, and breaking out of comfort zones.

2. Different Perspectives

Younger partners can introduce new ideas, interests, and perspectives, which can enrich a relationship and provide growth opportunities for both individuals. These fresh perspectives can keep interactions engaging and help both partners see the world in new ways.

3. Companionship with Less Pressure

Younger men may not be in the same rush to settle down, which can be perfect for women who are not looking for immediate commitment or marriage but rather prefer to enjoy the relationship without heavy expectations about the future.

4. Compatibility

Age does not necessarily predict relationship success; compatibility does. If a younger man shares similar values, interests, and desires for the future, he could be a suitable match regardless of age difference.

5. Boost in Self-Confidence

Dating someone younger can also boost a woman’s self-confidence. Feeling desired and appreciated by a younger partner can have a positive impact on self-esteem and overall happiness.

6. Longevity and Lifestyle Alignment

Women in their 50s are often highly focused on maintaining their health and vitality. If a younger man shares similar health and fitness goals, this can create a strong bond based on shared lifestyle choices.

Potential Challenges

Yet, you should not forget that there can also be challenges in dating younger men:

  • Cultural or generational differences: There might be differing cultural references or lifestyle preferences that need navigation.
  • Future goals alignment: Long-term goals regarding family, children, or career paths might differ and should be discussed early in the relationship.
  • Social perceptions: Depending on the environment, couples might face judgments or misconceptions from others based on the age difference.


How do I know if he’s interested in a serious relationship?

A man interested in a serious relationship will show consistent effort in communication, make plans for future dates, and openly discuss his intentions.

Is it okay to date multiple people at once?

Yes, it’s okay to date multiple people as you explore your options, as long as you’re honest with everyone involved.

How can I boost my self-confidence for dating?

Invest in aspects that make you feel good, whether that’s a new style, taking up new activities, or simply dedicating time to self-care.


Finding the right man after 50 requires using modern tools like dating apps and resorting to traditional ways of connecting through shared interests. You need to maintain a positive attitude, be honest about your desires, and enjoy the process of meeting someone new. With the right mindset and strategies, the journey towards a new love or a fulfilling companionship can be an exciting and rewarding experience.

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Eloise Bouton

Éloïse Bouton is a French journalist, feminist activist, and former member of the Femen group. Read More: