How to Make a Website Using Code: Simplified Guide

4 min readJul 4, 2024


How to Make a Website Using Code

Have you ever wondered how to make a website using code? It might sound tricky, but it’s a fun way to create your own space on the internet. You can make a website to show your hobbies, share your thoughts, or even sell things. Let’s learn how you can build a website from scratch using simple coding!

Before we start, I want to tell you about It’s a place where you can buy and sell websites. Imagine you make a cool website, and later, you want to sell it. is perfect for that. They help you sell your website to others who might want to buy it. Now, let’s get back to making a website using code!

Step 1: Get Ready

Before you start coding, you need a few things:

  • A computer
  • Internet access
  • A text editor (like Notepad or Visual Studio Code)
  • A web browser (like Chrome or Firefox)

These tools will help you write the code and see what your website looks like.

Step 2: Learn HTML

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It’s like the skeleton of your website. HTML tells the browser what to show on the screen. Let’s start with a simple example:


My First Website

Welcome to My Website!

This is my very first website. Isn’t it cool?

This code will create a simple webpage with a big heading saying “Welcome to My Website!” and a paragraph saying “This is my very first website. Isn’t it cool?”

Step 3: Learn CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It makes your website look nice. CSS changes how things look on your website, like colors, fonts, and layout. Here’s how you can add some CSS to your HTML:


My Styled Website

Welcome to My Styled Website!

This is my very first website with CSS styling. Isn’t it cool?

With CSS, we made the background light blue, the heading white and centered, and the paragraph text bigger and in a different font.

Step 4: Learn JavaScript

JavaScript makes your website interactive. It can do things like show alerts, change content, and much more. Here’s a simple example of JavaScript:


My Interactive Website

Welcome to My Interactive Website!

Click the button to see a message.Click Me!

In this code, when you click the button, a message pops up saying “Hello! You clicked the button!” This is a fun way to make your website do more!

How to Make a Website Using Code: Simplified Guide

Step 5: Put It All Together

Now that you know some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, let’s put it all together:


My Awesome Website

Welcome to My Awesome Website!

Click the button to see a message.Click Me!

This code combines everything you’ve learned so far. You have a styled webpage with a button that shows a message when clicked.

Step 6: Save and View Your Website

Once you have written your code, you need to save it. Here’s how:

  • Open your text editor.
  • Write your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
  • Save the file with a “.html” extension (for example, “mywebsite.html”).

After saving, open your web browser and find the file. Double-click it, and your website will open in the browser!

Step 7: Share Your Website

If you want to share your website with friends, you need to put it online. Here are some steps:

  • Find a web hosting service.
  • Upload your HTML file to the hosting service.
  • Get a domain name (like “”).
  • Connect your domain name to your hosting service.

Once done, your website will be live, and everyone can see it!

Bonus: Sell Your Website

If you’ve made an amazing website and want to sell it, you can use At Flippium, you can list your website for sale. They check your website to make sure everything is good. Once your website is listed, people can buy it. has helped people sell websites worth $100k! They have a Facebook group with over 46,000 members where they promote the websites for free. Plus, they only charge a small commission when your website is sold, ensuring 100% satisfaction for both buyers and sellers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Start Coding A Website?

Begin by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the foundational languages for web development.

What Tools Do I Need For Coding?

Use a code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text. These tools help streamline your coding process.

Which Programming Languages Should I Learn?

Start with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Later, you can explore backend languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP.

How Long Does It Take To Code A Website?

The time varies. A simple site can take a few days, while complex sites might take weeks or months.

What Is A Responsive Website?

A responsive website adjusts its layout to fit different screen sizes, providing a better user experience on all devices.

How To Deploy A Coded Website?

Deploy your site using platforms like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or traditional web hosting services.

Can I Sell My Coded Website?

Yes, you can sell it on marketplaces like [Flippium. com](https://flippium. com), where buyers and sellers meet for verified transactions.

How To Ensure My Website Is Secure?

Implement HTTPS, use strong passwords, and regularly update your software to protect against vulnerabilities.


Now you know how to make a website using code. It’s not that hard once you break it down into steps. You learned about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You also learned how to save your website and put it online. And if you ever want to sell your website, you know where to go! Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be making even cooler websites. Happy coding!

