Bowie the Space Dog


In Walter Isaacson’s new biography of Elon Musk, titled “Elon Musk”, it is revealed that Elon Musk had a dachshund named Bowie, after his favorite singer, David Bowie (page 70):

This is the third dog from Elon Musk’s time growing up, the other two being Hobbes and Hamlet:

Elon Musk’s mom previously mentioned that he had a dachshund growing up, but it is only now that we know its name:

Elon Musk already launched Bowie into space with the Falcon Heavy. David Bowie’s Starman was the mannequin in the Tesla Roadster, which was launched to the tune of Bowie’s ‘Life on Mars:

David Bowie’s Space Oddity will also be playing on the Tesla Roaster for eternity:

Bowie is Elon’s favorite singer:

Now it’s time to launch Bowie the Space Dog into space.

To the moon!

Token: $Bowie
Tax: 0/0
CA: 0xCaE0DD4BDA7Ff3E700355C7629b24d5D728bD2cE


