Technology is the Future and the Future is Female

bowmo, Inc.
3 min readMar 29, 2017


At bowmo, Inc. we are as much about our people as we are about our product. With that mantra at our core, it comes as no surprise that conversations this March — Women’s History Month, have been about the bold and audacious women that make up much of the bowmo Team. There’s a lot to be said about the value and need for Women in Tech, and the bowmo Women in particular, break the mold and help evolve both Technology and Human Capital industries. During this Women’s History Month, we celebrate the bowmo Women with a blog series that shares their voices and the core values and experiences of being a woman in Tech. #bowmobold

Curated byCaitlin Sing

Content Marketing Manager


Intelligent. Self-Improving. Limitless

These three words come to mind when I think of what I value most from the tech industry, and most importantly, what I value most in myself as a woman.

Tech is where we engage, where we learn, where we grow, where we create — Tech is where and how we connect. With the functionality of this industry comes great responsibility, for success in this field is attributed to products and networks that grant universal access, productivity, and routine social dependence.

Technology must constantly be at the top its intelligence.

Technology must constantly learn from itself and evolve to be better.

Technology must have no limit.

For these reasons, it is as important as ever for women to lead and develop the Tech World for we are challenged by the same expectations.

Women must constantly be at the top of their intelligence. We live in a society where women are pressed to be at the top of our intelligence to gain power and influence in our respective fields. These expectations are rooted in the domination of our male counterparts — we work harder and strive to learn more in order to be taken seriously. A flawed burden, but we reclaim all of this knowledge for ourselves and our own successes and to pave the way for the future of women.

Women must constantly learn from themselves and evolve to be better. We as women have been conditioned to think we must habitually self-evaluate, self-correct and be the better version of ourselves at any given moment. Women are often pitted against each other, especially in the work place. We must constantly be reminding ourselves that we can learn most from ourselves and the women around us, that we are better and stronger together.

Women must have no limit. Most importantly, we as women must remind ourselves that we are equals and therefore our aspirations and skill-sets know no bounds. Our abilities, our ambitions, our successes have no limitations for we are deserving of greatness. It is in our nature as women to break the barriers that attempt to confine us. There is no finish line — just the drive to keep pushing further and further.

I am proud to be a woman in the Tech Industry, for the nature of the work mirrors the nature of my womanhood so poetically. Technology is the future and the future is female.

Originally published at on March 29, 2017.



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