Why gift cards are great for your box business

3 min readDec 20, 2017


Christmas is around the corner! We’re thinking meal preparation, guest list confirmation and, of course, the relentless race to get gifts.

In between two lines at the cash register of a shop, you might have noticed that some of them offer gift cards. You know, these prepaid cards you buy for someone when you’d rather have them choose their gift?

Well, it turns out, gift cards are great for physical shops, but also for your box business!

1. It’s convenient for the buyer

We’ve all been there: we must find a gift for someone, but don’t know what to get them. Each shopping expedition in the mall only get us more confused and exhausted.

That’s where your gift card appears: for people that don’t know what to get their relatives, a box subscription is the perfect gift because:

  • They only have to broadly know a person’s interests (fitness, wine, cats, …),
  • They can buy it from the comfort of their home,
  • The surprise element is here,
  • If they take a subscription and not a one-time box, they actually give their loved one several gifts.

I don’t know about you, but I like the idea of someone I care about thinking about how amazing my gift was at a regular frequency — ie every time they receive the box.

It works for Christmas, but also for any special occasion like a birthday, an anniversary, or just a random act of generosity.

2. It’s a great business opportunity for you

On your end, the gift card is a guarantee of a sale: you receive the money when they pay on your website and not when the person receiving the gift decides to use the card. The money comes in before you actually have to send the box out, which is great for cashflow management.

Marketing wise, gift cards are also a great way to increase your notoriety and broaden your audience because it reaches out to people that might not have heard otherwise about your box.

The person receiving the box can also decide to keep his/her subscription going at the end of the gifted subscription, which means a new sale for you!

And even if they don’t, your box made an appearance in a family’s private celebration! The whole family will talk about the box, will want pictures of it and get overall curious around this new concept.

Your box will stay present in the relatives’ mind, which is good for your notoriety and could also lead to a future sale.

3. How to set it up?

On Boxraiser, you have the option to set up gift cards easily with a code system: we automatically generate a unique code which can be transferred to another person. They will be able to activate the subscription later, directly on your website.

The code is directly generated on a PDF document you can personalise with your own brand’s colours. To sugar coat it a bit for your subscribers (it’s a gift after all!), your clients have 2 options to gift the card:

  • To send the PDF directly by email, which includes a direct link to your website to activate the card and an optional personal message,
  • To download and print the PDF to place it directly under the Christmas three!

To set it all up, you only have to create the page and include the different subscription offers which can be gifted. We take care of creating the code, making it match with the right subscription when it’s entered on your website later on and generating the PDF.

And to keep a track of the gift cards sales, simply go on your dashboard: you’ll be able to cheer to an easy, joyful and profitable end of year!




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