Craft Room Organization: Handy Tips From Fellow Crafters

8 min readJun 8, 2015


Storage and organization are inevitably two important words in a crafter’s life which are often overlooked during those strenuous hours a creative artist faces at his/her work desk. That ball of yarn you got last week from the fair or those leftover ribbons you picked up after your neighbor’s birthday party go out of sight in those wee hours of work when you suddenly realize you needed them badly. There’s no end to the kind of creativity an artist can come up with and these everyday materials you gather at your workplace only help in making those ideas shape up into unbelievable objects no one’s seen before. But if you don’t organize and keep your crafting stuff in place, neatly arranged, you’ll hardly remember where you’ve kept them in times of need. The magical ideas you always want to create will be left undone just because you don’t get access to the right material at the right time. Or, if you look at it this way, there are a lot of unused materials you do come across from time to time which can be used in making some craft or the other in the future. What others think is scrap is often a crafter’s best ingredient to complete the handmade platter they give shape to. Now, if you don’t keep a track of these items by storing them in a proper way, you’d never be able to make good use of them in your crafting area.

For many, the words craft room organization directly symbolize expensive decor items and storage containers which can no doubt reshape your work area into some luxurious space. But to spend all that money in getting your cozy workplace more neatly arranged is a tough ask for most creative artists. Does that mean you can’t keep your craft room organized or enjoy working in a more neatly stacked place? Well, we came across wonderful handmade crafters and artists around the Web who have undergone a massive change in their craft rooms by using simple storage devices and stationery items or unwanted tins and trays from the kitchen that are not expensive but help in keeping your rooms tidy and more appropriate for creative work. Take for example, Jessica from Mad in Crafts who found 100 ways to organize the house from one single trip at the Dollar Store. Also, crochet store Two Seaside Babes had her office completely re-organized on which she had to say, “I have so many supplies that things were always here, there, and everywhere. Most of the time, it was shoved in totes that I had to dig to get to, dig through to find what I was looking for, and cringe whenever I saw a stack of them shoved in the corner. After 4 (yes FOUR) trips to IKEA, I’m certain my new office is exactly what I wanted!”

Before we get into the details of craft room organization, let’s have a look at examples that are worth drawing some inspiration from:

This is a work space/craft room of Pennsylvania newlywed Jess Mauras which was nothing but a pile of stress and ribbons before they went for a complete makeover using simple, everyday items.

This craft desk has been color coordinated in pretty pastels that looks neat and relaxing too.

A kitchen transformed into a craft room with the stainless-steel system of trays and jars working well for ribbon, scrapbook supplies, and more.

For those who don’t have a dedicated craft room, a crafter’s closet is all you need.

The main purpose of all these adorable craft room ideas is to make you and your work more organized and save time. The time you save from searching for items around the house can well be used in shaping another creative vision your mind takes you through. After undergoing an interesting interview with a number of Etsy shop owners via micro messaging on our Twitter community, here are some tips you might find useful to take your crafting journey travel down the path of organization:

  • Craft Items Should Be Within Reach — The golden rule you should definitely follow is to have your items in a place from where it is easily visible and accessible at the same time. Not coming across the right thing at the right time just because it’s stored way above your reach on the topmost rack of the closet doesn’t make good sense. Both handmade soap maker Birch Lea Soaperie and party supply maker on Etsy MakingTheMostOfIt had their strong opinions on this.

@boxtiqapp Hi! I make soaps in my kitchen. I have to be organised so I can access my ingredients quickly before the mix turns too thick!

— Birch Lea Soaperie (@BirchLeaSoap) August 21, 2014

MakingTheNestOfIt (via DM conversation on Twitter): “Always keep your most used items in easy reach. You’ll grab that item quickly, and you’ll be more likely to put it back where it belongs.”

  • Display Your Creations — Sometimes it’s about cherishing those beautiful crafts you’ve made along the way which may lie in unused drawers or in some corner of the closet no one ever comes across. Your crafts are your work identity. Make the most out of them by displaying them beautifully in some corner of your craft room which will not only have you inspired but may as well help you keep a track of those items which may need a bit of re-touching here and there.
  • Labels Are a True Savior — Crafting means you’ll have those tiny beads and stickers and glitters and a lot of other decorative items your creations may need time and again. To keep a track of all those boxes and what lies inside (incase they are not see-through), use as many labels as you can. These help you stay organized and makes finding stuff in times of need a breeze. Handmade Jewelry Etsy shop SimpleDiversions admits this as a great way of craft organization.

@boxtiqapp invest in lots and lots of see-through organizers and a label maker!!!

SimpleDiversions (@cjluke2004) September 10, 2014

  • Storage Containers and Shelves are a Must — Wall and freestanding storage shelves are always a great way to keep your stuff within reach and well stacked in the room. To add to this, have as many storage containers as possible, preferable see-through ones to know what’s stored inside apart from the labels you use. To this Etsy Shop MakingTheNestOfIt had a beautiful saying.

MakingTheNestOfIt (via DM conversation on Twitter): “The beautiful basket might be a more appropriate choice for storing fibers & trims than paints & glues.”

  • Bulletin Board for Inspiration — Bring a crafter, you often visit fairs and shows and exhibitions and bring back memories from there worth remembering a lifetime. Also, there are numerous inspirational quotes and writeups on craft magazines you’d want to see everyday in order to feel boosted up for the day. A bulletin board with your favorite quotes and writeups from the craft world could be a great addition to your craft room as well.
  • Closets for Those With Less Space — Like the one displayed above, you could have closets well stacked with your storage incase you don’t have a separate craft room indoors. They are a good way to stay neat and organized with everything you need for crafting within reach.
  • Comfortable Product Shooting Area — Online listings do call for great product photos and in order to do so, you must have a good product shooting area in your craft room as well.

Crochet At Esquire’s: “A foldable backdrop cube & lights for product shoots.”

  • Well Lit Up — Make sure your craft room has enough sunlight coming through to make those strenuous crafting hours seem a bit more natural and calm as well. It should be situated in a more peaceful part of the house where there’s less noise with more of nature around. One or two indoor plants could also be used if the space is big enough.

All in all, it’s that area of the house where you’ll be giving shape to your creative vision. Just like the way Etsy Shops DK Penworks and MakingTheNestOfIt do.

MakingTheNestOfIt (via DM conversation on Twitter): “Have fun with your space. Don’t be afraid of quirky colors, mismatched shapes, vintage and modern together.”

@boxtiqapp Defiantly just keep it organized which ever way is possible for you saves so much time!

— dk penworks (@dkpenworks) September 1, 2014

Here’s a list of useful stationeries and products you might find useful while searching for items to use in your craft room organization expedition.

  • Tic Tac containers for Ribbon Storage — A great way to keep those versatile and pretty ribbon collection neatly stacked for future use. They will not only be visible but also be available for easy use anytime.
  • Pillbox as a storage system — Repurposing a pillbox as a handy storage system for beads and everyday tiny stationeries you require during craft hours. Just label them accordingly and you’re all set to go.
  • Drawer Dividers — They are of great help in keeping various stuffs organized under different dividers so that all stays together but not in a cluttered way.
  • Serving Pieces — Leftover glasses and serving stations combined together for keeping your felt pens and glitters in one place that won’t look that messed up on the desk!
  • Muffin Tray — Paperclips, erasers, sharpeners, rubber bands and other small desk items can be stored well in old muffin tray which otherwise would have had no use in the kitchen.
  • Egg Crate Storage — Yes, your egg crate trays can be used to store small beads and glitters on the desk which makes them look adorable and pretty well organized.
  • Magnetic Spice Canisters — For every small item you use in your crafts which often gets unnoticed in the clutter of things around.

Now, with all those beautiful craft storage around, all you need is a cup of coffee and some music like to set up the right mood for your craft hours just like Lizzi at Bizzi Zizzi does.

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Originally published at on October 7, 2014.




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