Boyapati Sandeep
1 min readFeb 19, 2024

How to prepare fermented curd rice?

Before we look into the procedure, let us go through the ingredients that are needed to prepare this recipe. You need some curd, milk, rice, onion, chilly, salt and water. That’s it!

Take boiled rice into a bowl. Rice need not to be very fresh. It can be a day back cooked one but not more than that. Fill the rice bowl with luke warm water until the rice gets dipped completely.

Boil milk and then wait until the temperature drops down to luke warm. Add this luke warm milk to the rice bowl. Add 2–3 chopped chillies and onion to it. Finally add a spoon of curd to that bowl and slightly stir it. You can add salt to it if needed right away or add it the next day morning just before eating it.

That’s it! Keep it aside for the whole night and let the lactobacillus do its work. Your fermented curd rice which is filled with probiotics will be ready by next morning.