Crossing The Bridge

Boy D'jine
3 min readApr 24, 2024

As we bid farewell to the first quarter of the year, it is time to pause and reflect on our goals. This activity is like checking in with ourselves to see where we are. My friends in the Scrum field would call it an “agile retrospective” meeting. This is where the team reflects on the past and note areas of improvement going forward.

At the conclusion of this retrospective, you’d have a good indication as to if you’re on track, if you’ve made progress, or whether you are still standing at the starting line, paralyzed by the fear of failure? In the journey towards our dreams, one thing is certain: failure is inevitable. But it is not the end of the road; rather, it’s a steppingstone to greatness.

In life, we often face crossroads where the fear of failure looms large. We hesitate, we procrastinate, and we cling to the safety of familiarity. But what if we shift our perspective? What if we view failure not as a defeat, but as a badge of honor — a testament to our courage to try? After all, isn’t it better to stumble and learn, than to never take a leap at all?

Making tough choices is akin to stepping into the fog of uncertainty. We are torn between two paths, each shrouded in mystery. How do we know which one leads to fulfillment and which one to regret? The truth is, we don’t. But by embracing failure, we acknowledge that growth often sprouts from the seeds of uncertainty. It’s not about making the right decision, but about making a decision and committing to it wholeheartedly.

The difference between success and stagnation lies in our mindset. Are we content with dreaming of ‘one day’ achieving our goals, or are we willing to take action from ‘day one’? Embracing failure means embracing the journey, with all its twists and turns. It’s about showing up every day, ready to face the challenges head-on, knowing that each setback brings us one step closer to our aspirations. One thing to note is that you need to have a sense of direction. Having a lot of interests is nice, but if you do not ultimately know where you are going, every single road you travel on will lead you nowhere. Not even to Damascus.

Every decision we make carries a cost — the opportunity cost of choosing one path over another. But the greatest cost of all is the price of inaction. When we let fear dictate our choices, we forfeit the chance to grow, to learn, and to become the best version of ourselves. Embracing failure means understanding that the road to success is paved with setbacks and detours, but it’s also lined with invaluable lessons and moments of triumph. Prior to landing in the SAP industry, I’d tried my hands in other things like Cyber Security and Risk Management. You might think you like something and then find out that you’re not good at it. You might see something as incredibly difficult but find out that you’re a natural at it. Just try it, you never know.

As we navigate through life, let us not be afraid to stumble, to fall, and to fail. For in the face of adversity lies our greatest opportunity for growth. Let us embrace failure as a companion on our journey towards success, knowing that each setback is not a defeat, but a lesson in resilience and determination. So, as we embark on the next quarter of the year, let us dare to dream, dare to try, and dare to fail. For it’s in our failures that we find the courage to truly succeed. Nothing’s In Vain.

Talk soon,

Boy D’jine

