Michael Boyink
2 min readApr 7, 2016

Written by Michael Boyink in Texas

Miranda surveying the view from Enchanted Rock

Miranda surveying the view from Enchanted Rock

Another stop on our Texas State Park tour — this time to Enchanted Rock.


If you draw a line north from San Antonio and another line west from Austin, then look a little northwest of where they intersect, you’ll find Enchanted Rock. Enchanted Rock is a 425-ft. pink granite monolith rising out of the Texan hillcountry.

Officially a State Natural Area — we’re not sure if we needed our Texas State Park Permit to visit Enchanted Rock or not. The check-in station was closed due to a power outage, so we put our pass on our dash and called it good.

Enchanted Rock has:

  • 35 walk-in (apparently not RV-sized) and 20 back-pack campsites
  • Hiking trails
  • Rock Climbing
  • Geocaches
  • Stargazing

What We Liked

The drive to the rock was through country roads bordered by vast swaths of blue bonnets, red indian paintbrush, and other flowers. We haven’t seen as many wildflowers anywhere else in Texas.

We met our friends Adam and Jenn aka HuckleberryBound for the climb up the rock.

The walk up the rock is 1.3 miles. It starts with some rock hopping, then is pretty much walking up the steep slope of the rock.

We chose the warmest part of a warm day, but found a couple shady spots to rest in on the way up. It wasn’t something I’d run up and down 3 times just for the workout, but wasn’t too hard either.

What We Didn’t Like

The front office being closed meant we couldn’t purchase a souvenir to make a fridge magnet from.


This was a nice daytrip. We had considered camping here but even if there were RV sites I don’t think it would have held our interest for more than a day or so.

Enchanted Rock Links

Other Texas State Parks

Have You Climbed the Rock?

Have you made the climb up Enchanted Rock? How many times did you stop?

More Photos

Enchanted Rock has 7 more photos viewable on DitchingSuburbia.com.

via DitchingSuburbia.com Blog llllll http://ift.tt/1S01yVh

Michael Boyink

Writer. Strategist. Teacher. Digital Nomad traveling the US by RV w/my family: http://ditchingsuburbia.com