6 min readMay 20, 2018


The World Operates on Gynocentrism, Male Disposability and Cultural Misandry

Who built and maintained all you see when you drive down the road? Men. Whose lives were trafficked, exploited and disposed of in war for women’s and the state’s safety and welfare? Men’s. Men were socially conditioned by women and the state to be the providers and protectors (human sacrifices) of women and the state. That’s not the fault of the ‘evil patriarchy’ as you’re told by feminists and other gynocentrists. That’s men at the top and women colluding to dispose of common men’s lives for women’s and the state’s benefit. These were expectations placed upon men by women and the state. That’s literally brainwashing and socially conditioning common men into HUMAN SACRIFICE.

If men are privileged, then why do men pay the vast majority of alimony, asset division and child support? Why do men get far harsher punishments for equal crimes? Why are men the vast majority of suicides? Why have men always worked the most dirty, dangerous, life shortening, life threatening jobs? Why do men live the shortest lives? Why was there no ‘female only draft’? Why was there was no ‘women last in the life boats’ policy? Why do women get the majority of state and federal spending on health, education and welfare when men do now and have always paid the majority of taxes?

Women are the privileged now and always have been. They vote for and support those men who throw common men under the bus for women’s and her state husband’s benefit. Women didn’t have the right to vote in the past because men were socially conditioned by women and the state to care for women as if women were children — BECAUSE WOMEN ARE THE EQUIVALENT OF GROWN CHILDREN. Men were expected to lay down their lives for women and the state through “provision and protection”. Once again — these were social expectations placed upon men by women and the state.

If women want to own and rule over civilization, then why don’t they just build, maintain, fight and die for said civilizations, like men did, rather than colonizing and appropriating the achievements of men & masculinity? Why are men expected to protect themselves from rape and sexual assault while women expect protection from the same via the sacrifice of men and masculinity? Why can’t women defend themselves and stop demanding that men sacrifice themselves for women’s safety and welfare? Why do women march upon the streets, towns, cities, states and nations men built and maintained and demand dominion over what women did not build nor maintain? Why do women colonize and appropriate all of the institutions with which men built, maintained, fought and died? Why does Hollywood continue to socially condition and psychologically program men into disposability with films depicting male human sacrifice, gynocentrism, male disposability and courtly love — all gynocentric paradigms in which men’s safety and wellbeing is pushed down in favor of women’s and their state pimp’s wellbeing and safety?

Women’s sexual revolution wasn’t men’s doing. Feminists encouraged women to go out and ‘have sex like men’ and feminists encouraged women to become sexual objects.

I was falsely accused once decades ago but it went nowhere. Why? You had to have proof that someone did something back in those days — or the prosecution wouldn’t prosecute. You couldn’t just claim something occurred without proof and prosecute someone with no evidence. Not any more. All you need to destroy a man’s life these days is an accusation and collusion by multiple women. Feminism now rules the courts and has effectively stripped men of presumption of innocence and due process. From the moment a man is accused, the marxist -> leftist — feminist -> socialist -> communist MSM drags his name and face through the mud without so much as the slightest confirmation that the accusations might be true. To the extent possible, I’ll deny women and their state lover any peace or cooperation whatsoever. I’ll make their lives as difficult as possible simply by not playing their preferred games. What we need is a female only draft in reparation to all those dead boys who were socially programmed by women and the state to lay down their lives for the same. What we need is a ‘women last in the life boats’ policy so that women can wake up and stop expecting men to sacrifice their lives and welfare for the women that hate them.

The objectification of women as sex objects was the doing of the socialist left and their feminist daughter’s doing — not the ‘evil patriarchy’. Feminists encouraged women to become sex objects — not men. Suddenly, women became even more entitled, more predatory and even more emotional than they already were. Marriage began its steady decline. The hypergamous search and destroy mission by women for ‘Mr. Big’ (Sex and The City reference) went into full gear. Hollywood has tremendous influence over the weak minded, childlike and ‘perpetually victimized’.

Only when jobs became far less laborious, far safer, higher paid and potentially glamorous did women enter the workforce. Up until then, women were content to let men sacrifice their longevity and health providing for and protecting women in the mines, factories and battlefields. That’s right — when most jobs sucked and took a terrible toll on one’s health and longevity — women were fine remaining homemakers — because they could simply use men to do all their dirty work. Under any other context, that would be considered human sacrifice, but because it’s only men’s lives sacrificed, no one cares.

NAWL (National Association of Women Lawyers, a feminist organization) came up with no-fault divorce, alimony, asset division and child support. In one fell swoop, total life destruction was unleashed upon common men through marriage and millions of men were discarded whilst being forced by women’s state husband to continue to pay their X wives handsomely for the sex they’d never again have. If you drop the illusions and enchantments, marriage is just men paying for exclusive sex. Marriage is simply a more complicated and exclusive form of prostitution. What’s more, boys and men are socially conditioned into accepting this man-destroying con game.

Imagine a world in which women are gathered up and sent off to fight and die in war on men’s behalf — lest they be thrown in prison for cowardliness, become ostracized from society as useless ‘cowardly little girls’ and be deemed unworthy of love and affection from men for their failure to sacrifice all on men’s behalf and to ‘women up’. Imagine if women remained with the sinking ship whilst men sailed safely away in the life boats. Imagine if men rejected women in marriage unless women could effectively and consistently provide for and protect men in all circumstances, including world wars and great depressions/recessions. Imagine a world in which women, not men, were expected to build and maintain all upon the earth, whilst men simply demanded ownership and rulership over all that women built and maintained. Imagine a world in which men falsely accuse women and collude en masse to put women away in prison. Imagine a world in which women pay the vast majority of alimony, asset division, child support and civil suit payouts. Imagine a world in which women become the vast majority of suicides and get far harsher prison sentences for equal crimes.

Why are the number of women and girls lives affected in global tragedies highlighted in news reports but the number of men and boys lives lost aren’t even considered an afterthought? Why are women in the military being positioned in behind the lines support roles — so that more common men can be pushed to the front lines as human sacrifices and cannon fodder?

Feminism is a diversion. Feminism is a deflection. Feminism is a deception. Feminists simply distort human history to make it appear as though women are perpetual victims — all at the sacrifice of men and boys lives at the altar of gynocentrism and male disposability. The only systemic, institutionalized, legally codified discrimination is anti-white and anti-male. There was no female-only draft. There was no ‘women last in the life boats’ policy.

