Instruction: How to buy BUY token?

3 min readMar 25, 2018


Greetings, dear friends!
Less than in 12 hours starts Bpay Pre-Sale.

You may be interested in the question — How to join our Pre-Sale? This article is for you. Here we will tell you how to join us and buy BUY token.

Step 1

Please register in our system. Provide your e-mail address and create an account. The access to the personal account will be available right before the start on our website.
After that you will get to your personal account. It looks like this:

Step 2

Use the calculator to count how much ETH or other cryptocurrency you should pay for the specific amount of BUY tokens.

Step 3

Specify your ETH (ERC20) wallet to receive BUY tokens after its emission.
Also, in this field you can see your BUY token balance.

Step 4

Send ETH or other cryptocurrencies to the address, that you can get clicking the “Generate deposit address” button. It looks like this:


If you send ETH, you will receive your BUY tokens within 24 hours after crediting funds to the address of the smart-contract.

In the case of sending ETC, BCH, EOS, NEO and others you will receive your BUY tokens within 2 weeks after crediting the funds indicated in your personal account.

Step 5

After the BUY tokens are credited to the address you specify, you can dispose of them immediately.

Please see the warnings and technical risks below

Any compatible wallet can be used to participate in the token distribution.

To be compatible, a wallet must meet the following criteria:

  • Able to export your private key
  • Able to call arbitrary contract methods

Please note that you should ensure that whatever wallet you use, the “claim” and “register” methods related to the BUY Token Distribution Contract are possible.

Do not use an incompatible Wallet.

There are many incompatible wallets, please check to make sure that your wallet meets the compatible wallet criteria before sending any ETH. Do not use any of the following wallets to participate in the BUY Token distribution: Any Bitcoin exchange, Any Ethereum exchange, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Bitstamp,, Coinbase, Exodus, Jaxx, Kraken, Poloniex.

We remind you about our Pre-Sale:

Start date: 26th of March
End date: 2nd of April
Time: 00:00:00
Token Supply: 600 000 000 BUY tokens
Token Price: 0.03 USD per token
Minimum amount: 50 USD

Please, be our guest in New Era of payment systems.
Join Bpay Pre-Sale!

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