Link Whisper Pro Review: Boost Your Site’s SEO Now!

Mike NM
4 min readJun 23, 2024


Link Whisper Pro — A Comprehensive Review

Have you ever wondered how some websites rank so high on Google? One of the secrets is having good internal links. Today, we are going to talk about a tool that can help you with this. It’s called Link Whisper Pro.

Link Whisper Pro Review: Boost Your Site's SEO Now!

What is Link Whisper Pro?

Link Whisper Pro is a special tool that helps you create links inside your website. These links are called internal links. They help people and search engines like Google find all the important pages on your site. When Google can easily find and understand your pages, your website can rank better in search results.

How Does Link Whisper Pro Work?

Link Whisper Pro makes it really easy to create internal links. Here are some cool things it can do:

1. Automatic Links From Keywords

If you want to create links faster, Link Whisper Pro has an “Auto-Linking” feature. You just need to type in a keyword and the URL you want to link to. Link Whisper Pro will then automatically create links from that keyword to the URL you chose. This works for both old and new content.

2. Internal Links Reporting

Link Whisper Pro gives you detailed reports about your internal links. You can see how many links are going from one page to another. You can also see if there are any broken links or errors. This helps you keep your website healthy and well-organized.

3. Fix Broken Links

Broken links are bad for your website. They can make your visitors and Google unhappy. Link Whisper Pro makes it easy to find and fix these broken links. You can quickly edit or remove any broken links directly from the tool.

4. Add Target Keywords

If you have certain keywords you want to rank for, you can add them to Link Whisper Pro. The tool will then suggest the best places to add links for those keywords. This can help you improve your SEO and rank higher on Google.

5. Google Search Console Integration

Link Whisper Pro can also connect to your Google Search Console. This lets you see important data like organic traffic and average position. You can use this data to adjust your internal links and keywords to get better results.

6. Link Suggestions For Multiple Sites

If you own more than one website, Link Whisper Pro can help you link them together. This is very useful if your websites are about similar topics. It can help you get more traffic and better rankings for all your sites.

Why Should You Use Link Whisper Pro?

There are many reasons to use Link Whisper Pro. Here are some of the best ones:

1. Save Time

Creating internal links manually can take a lot of time. Link Whisper Pro does it automatically, so you can focus on other important tasks.

2. Improve Seo

Good internal links help Google understand your website better. This can lead to higher rankings and more traffic.

3. Fix Errors

Broken links and other errors can hurt your website. Link Whisper Pro helps you find and fix these issues quickly.

4. Easy To Use

You don’t need to be a tech expert to use Link Whisper Pro. It has a simple and user-friendly interface.

What Do People Say About Link Whisper Pro?

Many people love using Link Whisper Pro. Michelle Price from says, “I’ve had my site for over a decade. So it’s important to me to ensure my content remains relevant and that I include links not only in new content to older content but vice versa. Link Whisper has been a godsend in that manner. I can easily add links based on suggestions whenever I update my posts, but I can also quickly use the dashboard to identify opportunities in older posts that lack relevant links — where I once had no relevant content but now do. It’s helping to increase my pages viewed per visit and decrease my bounce rate, both of which are major wins.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Link Whisper Pro?

Link Whisper Pro is an internal linking tool designed to speed up the internal linking process for SEO and help websites rank better in Google.

How Does Auto-linking Work In Link Whisper?

Simply input a keyword and specify the URL. Link Whisper will automatically build links from past and future mentions of that keyword.

Can Link Whisper Pro Fix Broken Links?

Yes, Link Whisper Pro makes it easy to see and fix all broken internal and external links on your site.

Does Link Whisper Integrate With Seo Plugins?

Yes, Link Whisper integrates with plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, and All in One SEO to pull in target keywords.

Can Link Whisper Connect Multiple Sites?

Yes, if you own multiple sites, Link Whisper can connect them and suggest internal links between the sites, enhancing SEO.


Link Whisper Pro is a powerful tool that can help you create smart internal links, improve your SEO, and save time. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this tool can make your life easier. If you want to learn more about Link Whisper Pro, check it out here.

Remember, good internal links are like a map for your website. They help people and search engines find the important pages. With Link Whisper Pro, you can create these links easily and quickly. So, why wait? Start using Link Whisper Pro today and see the difference it can make for your website!

For more information and to get started with Link Whisper Pro, visit Link Whisper Pro.



Mike NM

My journey into software development began with a deep curiosity for technology and a drive to create impactful software.