Favorites Facelift

Redesigning the Favorites Experience

3 min readJul 30, 2023



The existing Favorites experience was in need of a redesign. There were three main issues that needed to be addressed.

  • The design needed to be modernized and updated with patterns consistent with the new design system.
  • User feedback — there was very little feedback to the user as they went through this flow from end to end.
  • Account Creation Prompting — we needed to add a path for account creation within the Favorites flow.


Updating the various views and UI elements associated with Favorites was included in the larger iOS Design System initiative. The existing UI and Favorites views were outdated and not up to modern design standards.

The old experience

Within the Product Display Page, placement of the Favorites heart icon needed to be updated and moved to accommodate the better UI pattern of a quantity control in lieu of a quantity input field. In the Add Item sheet, the Create button padding needed adjustment as well — fixed with the new Design System. Other modernization updates also needed to be made such as typography, spacing, etc.

User Feedback

The Add to Cart interaction from the Favorites List page was also updated. Instead of requiring a user to type in the quantity, we leveraged the iOS native scroll wheel to select a quantity and a button to confirm your choice. This combined with a toast notification and haptics for feedback provide the user with a greater sense of control in the experience. The toast notification combined with haptic feedback is also used when a user adds a product to one of their Favorites lists.

Account Creation Prompts

One of the business goals of the new app was to increase account creations. We wanted to give customers reasons to create an account with us and not just shop as a guest user. To achieve this we aimed to not only provide a clear call out for creating an account, but also provide a frictionless path to do so.

We accomplished this by prompting a user in two main areas:

  • On the Favorites List page when they are not logged in
  • When a customer tries to create a new list when they are not logged in

Any user — even a guest user who is not logged in to an account — has a default Favorites list tied to their account. However, if a customer wants create any additional custom lists they must be signed in to an account.

Create account/Sign in prompts

