
Tito Theodore
1 min readDec 31, 2023


Like I said Rue, I have many flaws but I’m gonna try my best to make you smile on every situations possible. I really like you, I feel like the feeling will just grow and grow bigger to the point where this is the right moment to say “I love you” already.

That’s true, I love you!

Even if you’re really turning to that sapu sapu fish, I’ll still be madly in love with you. Even if you’re turning into a pink apem cupcake, I’d keep you in my freezer and stare at you, daily. I’ll take care of you, little hammy, I promise to keep you safe in my pocket so that you won’t lose another fingers or become a skateboard… ( anw.. the skateboard gif still haunts me everytime… )

I love you, pretty Rue! I’m sorry that it took me so long to do this.. I needed time to make this acc and um… I kinda want a cute date.. it’s 123123 yk

Rue, there’s one thing I wanna ask you after writing those AU and letters… please check antinitoney’s acc after reading this!

