I’m Leaving Code for America

Catherine Bracy
2 min readNov 20, 2015


I remember exactly where I was three years ago when Jen Pahlka, Code for America’s Founder and Executive Director, sent me a text saying “do you want to come start an international program at Code for America?” It’s not an exaggeration to say that text changed my life. When you work on a campaign, as I did just before coming to CfA, you have a unique privilege of knowing exactly when your job is going to end. And, every time I let myself fantasize about what I wanted to do next, all roads seemed to lead back to Code for America. It was then and still is the most influential and effective civic technology organization in the world. Getting the opportunity to join the team was a dream.

At Code for America, I’ve had the honor and the privilege of doing some of the most important work I will ever do — launching Code for All, leading the Brigade program into its second phase and watching it approach 40,000 members in 100+ cities, creating Code for America’s point of view on 21st century citizen engagement. And, to top it off, I’ve gotten to do that work with some of the most amazing colleagues I could ever imagine.

But, three years is a long time and I’m ready to take a much-needed break. I’m going to clean my closets and volunteer at the animal shelter and read a lot of books and drive up the California/Oregon coast and maybe finally figure out how I can get to New York to see Hamilton. Workwise, I don’t have any solid plans yet but over the past few years I’ve been putting aside lots of ideas for side projects I didn’t have the time or energy to pursue. (Maybe I’ll, dare I say it, write a book???).

In any event, I’m really excited to spend the next little while figuring out how I put those ideas into action…and digging up some co-conspirators to plot with ;)



Catherine Bracy

Executive Director of the TechEquity Collaborative. Some things I love: civic tech, dogs, and Tottenham Hotspur