Day 88 of đź’Ż: The Magic Lamp

Be careful what you wish for

Bradan Writes Stories
3 min readJul 28, 2022


Image by Karina Mannott from Pixabay

Kody walked along the beach as he listened to the waves that rolled in. The sand was soft and warm as it flowed between his toes. Then pain rocketed through his body from his pinky toe as it collided with a metal object hidden beneath the sands.

“Ow!” he yelped as he reached for the mysterious object that attacked his oh-so-vulnerable toe. His fingers grazed the tip of a metal lamp, its body likely tarnished by the salty ocean. “Wow,” he muttered as he whipped away some grime.

Then a flurry of colorful smoke erupted from the lamp’s spout and swirled about Kody’s feet. Moments later it materialized into a muscled man covered in expensive jewelry.

“Ah thank you, mortal,” the man declared in a booming voice. “You have found my lamp and released me, the genie. As a thank you I would like to offer you three wishes.”

“Ohhh my god I can’t believe this is happening!” Kody shook with excitement. “First I wish I could rewind time back to this moment. Second I wish I found the love of my life!”

The genie blinked a few times then nodded, “Very well. Consider it done.” He snapped his fingers and the skeletal remains of a human appeared covered in plant life and water.

“What the hell is that!?”

“Suzie Mayweather. She tried to ask you out in the third grade but you decided to shoot spit wads at her instead. She never recovered and dated deadbeats for a while until one of them left her at the bottom of a lake never to be found.”

“Ah screw this!” Kody said as he began to travel back in time.

Kody walked along the beach as he listened to the waves that rolled in. The sand was soft and warm as it flowed between his toes. Then pain rocketed through his body from his pinky toe as it collided with a metal object hidden beneath the sands.

“Ow!” he yelped as he reached for the mysterious object that attacked his oh-so-vulnerable toe. His fingers grazed the tip of the metal lamp and he quickly rubbed it. “Ah-ha my genie!”

The familiar colorful smoke danced out of the spout as the genie formed with arms crossed. “Ready to make your third wish?”

“You mean my first wish?” Kody asked with a smug grin.

“No, your third. I’m an immortal magical being and time is irrelevant to me. It’s simply a construct of mankind to try and make sense of the world around them. You had the opportunity to better your life but were so caught up in the moment to try and cheat the system. There was never a system for you to cheat. You only cheated yourself.”

“Oh…” Kody said in a defeated tone with shoulders low. “I wish I would have known that earlier.”

“Consider it done,” the genie said as he snapped his fingers.

Inspired by Zane Dickens’💯 Story Challenge. I’ve made it over halfway now! You can find the rest of my💯 story challenge journey here.



Bradan Writes Stories

I'm a bacterial bard, and my inkwell is infectious. As disease diplomat, allow my quarantine quill to prescribe a cure, my tales of fantasy to ease your malady.