Introducing Ask Roboflow

The AI that answers programming questions.

Brad Dwyer
5 min readMay 2, 2019

A month ago I released a little project called Stack Roboflow, a neural network trained to ask programming questions by mimicking human questions from Q&A site Stack Overflow. A great writeup of Stack Roboflow is available here.

Today, I’m happy to announce the next generation of that neural network, Ask Roboflow, a machine learning model trained to answer programming questions.

Give it a try on your own questions at or see the answers it generated for the top 1000 unanswered questions from Stack Overflow.

It takes about 60 seconds for Roboflow to parse a question and generate an answer.

What is Ask Roboflow?

Stack Overflow is a coding question and answer site that has become an essential resource for coders of all skill levels. It now contains over 16 million questions on computer programming topics like C, JavaScript, and Python. If you run into a problem, it’s very likely that someone has already asked (and answered) it on Stack Overflow.

Ask Roboflow is an attempt to teach an AI bot to learn from that vast trove of information so it can answer programming questions all on its own.

