Revenge in the Park

8 min readDec 16, 2020


Wednesday night I’d made plans to get some fun revenge on my boyfriend. A few months earlier he had totally embarrassed me at the wave pool. Thanks to him I ended up going down the waterslide into the pool without my bikini, and I promised to get back at him. Since then neither of us had mentioned my desire to get even, so I was pretty sure he had forgotten all about it.

The season had drifted well into summer, and we often embarked on late night walks around town to escape our hot apartment. I’d wandered through the local park earlier that day to set up a couple of things, and after some cold beers that’s where we went on our late night ramble. The park was an island in the river, accessed by a couple of pedestrian bridges. It was near midnight on a mid-week evening and would be mostly deserted.

I had been flirty and teasing all evening, so we were both getting worked up. All I wore were sandals and a little spaghetti-strap sundress, which was snug in the right places, skimpy in the right places, and looked really great on me. And of course my purse- can’t leave home without lip balm! I’d easily convinced him to just wear the bare minimum as well. Consequently he simply wore cargo shorts, flip-flops, and an old t-shirt. Neither of us wore underwear.

We’d each finished a big Slurpee with generously measured vodka, but unknown to him, his also included a crushed Viagra.

Halfway across the bridge accessing the park I pushed him into one of the little architectural nooks along the railing. We weren’t quite beneath one of the streetlamps, so it was dim, and the the height of the railing gave some sense of cover.

He laughed as I bit at his neck and shoulders, while my fingers slipped under his shirt and tickled his ribs. I pushed his shirt up and up until he got the hint, raising his arms so that I could take it right off and drop it at his feet.

I scraped my nails down his chest as I lowered myself to kneel on his shirt. After quickly unbuttoning his cargo shorts they fell around his ankles, and I took his long, hard cock deep into my mouth, my fingernails grabbing deep into each ass cheek.

‘Keep your hands on the railing, and tell me when you’re gonna come, baby.’ I said between gasps for air as I began pumping him in and out of my throat.

After a few minutes he obliged, saying, ‘b-baby, I’m gonna…’ So I stopped, staring up into his eyes with his cock resting against my cheek until he settled down a bit. ‘Again!’ I told him sternly, ‘And don’t you dare come until I say!’

After several cycles of him almost cumming, it took almost no time to get him on the edge each time, and I could tell he was very close to losing control.

‘Okay, here we go, baby. I want your cum this time’ I encouraged him as I began to slowly, firmly stroke his cock next to my open, dripping mouth. ‘But step out of your shorts. I love that.’ Being so close to orgasm made him very compliant and he stepped out of his shorts, spreading his legs wide. “Ooh god, baby. You’re totally naked! I really looove that!” And it’s true, I really do love that.

I took him into my swirling mouth again, feeling him tense and begin to tremble. His balls were so tight I couldn’t see them. His eyes were clamped shut as he arched backwards. Just before he was about to cum there was a soft ‘click’ and I left his cock on the verge of orgasm, pointing straight up into the cool air. Using my free hands I had locked his clothes to the bottom of the railing with a bike-lock stashed there earlier in the day.

As he began comprehending what had happened, I was running away over the bridge into the park and started laughing. He tugged vainly at his clothes then stood there confused, cock dribbling spit and pre-cum, and began after me.

“Don’t come this way! The key is beside that bench, under a rock.” I lied, gesturing towards the opposite end of the bridge. He groaned and turned that way instead, exceedingly nervous about being nude and throbbingly erect on a lamp-lit public bridge.

By the time he was reading the note I’d hidden instead of the promised key, I had unlocked my bike left near the bridge earlier in the day, and was riding in slow circles under a park lamp, laughing at him as he tried to hide behind a bench on the other side of the river.

He looked at the note then plaintively called my name. I put my finger to my lips, indicating he shouldn’t attract attention to himself. The park was very quiet but not guaranteed to be deserted.

The instructions on the note were simple; proceed back across the bridge into the park, go to the outdoor concert stage, and look for an empty cigarette pack, which would contain the key to his locked clothes.

The concert stage was a few hundred meters away. It was quite large, with a sloped roof, and had one small security light illuminating it.

He was moving slowly, hiding behind trees when necessary, nervously avoiding the few people out for a midnight walk. I easily outpaced him getting there and tossed the cigarette pack out onto the middle of the stage, under the floodlight. I rode off behind a nearby clump of bushes and waited.

I watched him approach the stage and begin looking around in the gloom for the pack. The viagra and the unfinished blow job had left him really plump, not quite hard, but fat and pointing out a bit. It was taking him too long so I began riding my bike at a distance, giving him hints; warmer, cooler, etc. When he realized the pack was up on the big stage under a spotlight he groaned and with body language implored for relief. I replied “Get up there!”

He scurried on stage and quickly opened the pack, groaning when he realized that it wasn’t a key, but another note. He read it and said, “Really, babe?”

I replied, “Yes, really. And you’d better hurry. The last train is coming in five minutes.”

The note promised him that the key to his clothes was taped onto the far end of the crossing arm for our local commuter train. So it would only be reachable for about a minute, when a train is passing and the crossing arms are down. As it was so late, I knew this would be the last train of the night.

The note also said that he needed to stand exactly where he was under the light, and stroke himself 250 times.

“Hurry up!” I reminded him. There in the center of the pale spotlight he started stroking, and became fully hard within the first dozen. He really had to hurry because the train was due soon. But he needed to slow down or stop several times because he seemed to be right on the edge of coming. I could tell he was struggling, and a long stream of pre-cum glistened off his fingers. It was difficult for him to make it to 250 strokes without spurting, but he eventually succeeded and hopped down onto the grass.

I rode off towards the train station, laughing and taunting him. He hurried after me, trying to keep to the shadows. I made it to the crossing in a minute or two, with him not far behind. I was happy to see the little bit of tape was still there, holding the key he needed way up high on the end of the crossing arm. I’d put it there earlier in the day when a train was passing and the arm was down.

As he nervously trotted up I indicated that he should get on the other side of a chain-link fence nearer the crossing, and wait behind a bush there. Once he was there, barely concealed, I rode up to him on the opposite side of the fence.

“Baby, we still have a couple minutes until the train comes. Stick your cock and balls through the fence and I’ll make you happy.”

He did, and I helped pull his junk through while milking and licking him. The hole in the chain-link worked like a cock-ring on him and he was instantly hard as a rock, again. With little time to spare I sucked like a demon, making his cock swell up purple and taut.

His leg muscles were twitching and I knew he would spurt right away if I kept it up.. But the train was coming! I could see it just a little way down the road.

“Sorry baby! I need to stop, your train is here! You have to go get the key!!”

The crossing arm started down as he tried pulling his dripping hard-on out of the fence. It wouldn’t go!

“Pull harder baby!” Then I thought, ‘aw fuck it’ and just started jackhammering him as he tried to yank away from the fence. His nuts were glossy and strained, bulging against the metal as his junk squeezed ever so slowly out. He grunted and suddenly shot streams of semen all over me just as he broke free from the improvised cock-ring.

“Go! Go!” I said, pointing at the lowered crossing arm.

He was still squirting little gobs and dribbling as he darted across the road and fumbled with the taped-down key as the last train of the night raced by a few feet away.

Both of his hands were frantically working, leaving his glistening, obviously dripping cock illuminated by the crossing lights, pointing to the night sky.

I could see several late night travellers aboard. Some looked puzzled by the quick glimpse of a naked man out there beside the train. It was fantastic!!

With the business now done, we both hurried back across the park to unlock his clothes. Once he was dressed and we were on our way home, he said “That was so fucking hot, baby!”

“I can’t wait to see the movie.” I replied, giggling. “There are live web-cams in the park, there’s one on the bridge, one on the stage, and one at the crossing. My computer at home is recording all three!”

“Oh I will be getting you SO back for this!” he said. More of a promise than a threat.

