How to not die as a startup (Rule of the Big Three)

1 min readJan 28, 2024

Companies die because they are bad companies. Not because they have bad products.

How’s that? Good companies will always make great products, eventually. Great products, however, don’t make good companies.

I’m paraphrasing a few successful leaders here. Sam Altman, Steven Sinofsky, Bezos, Buffet.

At Village, we talk about The Big Three when it comes to building a great company:

  1. Incentives
  2. Motivation
  3. Connectedness

If you find yourself struggling, ask yourself how you’re handling the Big Three with your suppliers, customers, and most importantly, your employees.

1. Incentives = Money, yes, but also recognition and investment in growth. Make sure your good employees are feeling seen for their good work.

2. Motivation = Vision and measurement. Make your team love your ten year vision. Then make them clearly aware of what they need to and how they’re being measured.

3. Connectedness = “Good information flow.” Communicating cultural values is part of that. So is the daily cost of doing business: do workers know who the decision makers are, who to include in meetings?

To tease some of the post-3.0 surprises we have up our sleeve here at Village: we’re going to make a huge impact on your ability to make a great company if you work with us in 2024. We’re about to change how you think about performance in your entire organization, and where software fits into that organization. Get ready.

