Brad Lande
4 min readJun 16, 2016

WTF does authenticity at work mean, anyway?

Authenticity at work is a trending topic. Just last week, Adam Grant wrote an op-ed in The New York Times about how being yourself at work is a terrible idea (unless you’re Oprah). A few days later, Brené Brown wrote a response defending the idea of authenticity at work. Brown argued that authenticity is not, as Grant characterized it, “the mindless spewing of whatever you’re thinking regardless of how your words affect other people.” So WTF is authenticity at work, anyway? My short answer is that you should find out for yourself at the two-day Life@Work Culture Conference my company Live in the Grey is hosting in the Hudson Valley next month. But first, I want to set the stage with a handy FAQ that will give you the basics:

What is an “authentic workplace”?

First, let me tell you what it isn’t. It’s not a place for politics, gossip and mind-games. An authentic workplace is a space where you can be your real self and you don’t have to leave your passions at the door, where it’s safe to be vulnerable. It’s an environment where your humanity is embraced and it’s a workplace that is willing to invest in the personal and professional development of the team.

Sounds warm and fuzzy. But what’s in it for me as a leader?

Your team operating at its highest level, for starters. If you don’t believe me, check the data from Google’s research pointing to psychological safety (AKA an authentic workplace where people feel trust) as the most determinant factor for why their top teams succeed while others falter. Team members who care about each other, listen to each other and connect at a deeper level than water cooler talk perform at phenomenally higher rates. The truth is that life happens, shit gets real, and you need to be able to recognize that at work. As a leader, it’s simple: leading from an authentic place translates to people actually wanting to work with you and for you. It inspires loyalty and engagement. It doesn’t get better than that.

What if I can’t stand people’s authentic selves?

Get curious. Try to find out more why people are the way they are. Then take a look in the mirror. Oftentimes, we judge people extra harshly when they remind us about things we don’t like about ourselves. Learn about what triggers you, and how you navigate conflict. Besides, once people drop all the BS and start sharing their real selves, it’ll be that much easier to access your common humanity. Though we like to believe we are each different and unique, that mindset taken to the extreme can prevent us from connecting with others. Take-Away: There’d be a whole lot more people to like at work if we were all being our authentic selves.

But don’t we have professional codes of conduct and boundaries for a reason?

Yes, and the reason is that people are easier to control when they adhere to a certain protocol. But those of us who have been at companies like these have seen this backfire over and over again. People get disconnected when they’re forced to wear a mask and pretend to be someone they’re not. They start checking Facebook in meetings, they ‘just show up’, they TGIF. Mediocrity is expensive.

So, what does Live in the Grey do differently than all other culture consultants?

First, we are so NOT culture consultants. Instead, think of us as Learning & Development (L&D) guides to the future of work. And then think about the fact that a company’s investment in L&D is the number one decision driver for millennial professionals looking for jobs. We offer an experiential curriculum that increases the emotional intelligence of your organization, one individual at a time.

So what am I going to get out of this Life@Work conference you mentioned?

You’ll get to experience what the future of work is with two days of interactive learning, and leave ready to build a connected, authentic workplace that inspires and fulfills. You’ll connect deeply with other business and culture thought leaders, with space to play and reflect in the beautiful Hudson Valley. And, of course, the reminder that when you’re living the life that you love, you’re not working hard, you’re #hardlyworking.

Do something amazing for yourself, your company and your team. Join us, and Request an Invite to be one of 150 leaders to attend. Please state where you read this post in your form submission and you’ll get a discount code that is good until 6/19.

Warmly, Brad.

Brad Lande

CEO @ Live in the Grey | Writer for Grey Matters | Dedicated to Authenticity & Connection in the Workplace