11 Conditioning Finishers

Brad Forbes
3 min readMay 26, 2017


Here are 11 conditioning finishers you can add to the end of your workout or as a standalone workout.

The cool thing about these finishers… they require very minimal equipment.

If you wanted to go crazy and do ALL of them at once, you’d need:

  • a kettlebell ( a dumbbell could work but a bell would be better)
  • a hill (no hill, flat ground still works!)
  • battling ropes (you could find something to use if you don’t. Hose?)
  • a jump rope
  • a bike/airdyne (doesn’t everyone have a bike?)

I think the list is still pretty minimal eh?

These conditioning finishers are part of my FREE 12 Week Jump Start Fat Loss Program. If you’re interested in full lifting program with some nutrition stuff to boot, then check that link out.

Let’s get into the conditioning finishers. (You’ll notice a lot of Dan John flavor in here!)

** To watch videos of these workouts, head over to this article on my blog by clicking here**

KB Swing / Burpee

  • 20 KB swings
  • 10 Burpees
  • Complete 3–5 rounds, rest as needed

KB Swing / Push-up Down Ladder

  • KB Swings (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
  • Push-ups (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)
  • Alternate between movements. (10 swings, 10 push-ups, 9 swings, etc.)

Burpee Challenge

  • As many burpees as you can in 7 minutes or however many minutes you’d like. (keep it under 10)

Airdyne Bike Sprints

  • Go hard for 30 seconds
  • Cruise for 30–60 seconds
  • Repeat this for 10–15 minutes

Hill Sprints

KB Madness

  • Offset KB thrusters (right arm)
  • Offset KB lunges (right leg)
  • Offset KB thrusters (left arm)
  • Offset KB lunges (left leg)
  • Complete 3–5 rounds, rest as needed


  • 10 KB swings
  • 5 Goblet squats
  • Down Ladder push-ups (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)

Swingin’ It Solo

  • Single arm KB swing (left)
  • Single arm KB swing (right)
  • Burpee
  • Complete as a down ladder (12,10,8,6,4,2)

Oh no, not again!

  • KB swing
  • Goblet squat
  • Burpee
  • 4 count mountain climbers
  • Complete as a down ladder (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1)

Battling Ropes

  • Hard effort for 20 seconds
  • Rest for 40 seconds
  • Repeat for 5–10 minutes


Here you do 20 seconds of high effort work with 10 seconds of rest in between sets. You’ll do this 8 times. It takes a total of 4 minutes to complete. Here is a list of movements you can use.

Choose 1 or combine 2:

  • Goblet squats
  • KB swings, cleans, snatches
  • Burpees
  • Push-ups
  • Airdyne sprints
  • Hill sprints
  • Bike Sprints
  • Jumping rope (double unders preferred)
  • Mountain climbers

Over to you

What are your favorite minimal equipment conditioning finishers?

Post them in the comments below.

Don’t forget to check out the 12 Week Jump Start Fat Loss Program.

Below is a sample workout so you can see how I structure the workout. I give you options to personalize it Most importantly, it’s FREE! Click here to learn more about it.

