People Can’t Read

Brad Miller
5 min readApr 27, 2023
Photo by Mariia Zakatiura on Unsplash

People can’t read.

You might argue with me by pointing to all the people around you who are in fact literate.

I would concede to you that many people are in fact literate, but I would hold to my originally stated claim that many people can’t read.

Attribution is murky, but Mark Twain is credited with stating that:

“A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.”

You and I both might fully agree with this dictum, but you would still state that even Twain (or whomever originally made the statement) is making a clear distinction between those who can’t read and those who won’t read.

So let me clarify the point. Many people can’t read a book. They can’t. They have lost the ability. It’s not that they don’t possess the ability to read words. They know the alphabet. They can understand words and sentences. However, they no longer possess the ability to read a full book. They can’t make it through a damn book. They may try but they no longer have the intellectual discipline and stamina to make it through.

Let’s face it. If you can’t read a book, then you can’t read.

I’m not necessarily talking about the person who reads multiple books at once and has trouble finishing a book before starting another one. I am such a person…



Brad Miller

I have many interests, one of which is thinking about a variety of topics. I often like to share my thoughts, regardless of how simple or mundane.