Games I played in 2017

Brady Stevenson
7 min readDec 29, 2017


I played 40 games in 2017. That’s a lot for me. From 2013–2015 I averaged only 9 games in each of those years. What happened? No I didn’t shun my friends and quit my job so I could play 4 times more games. Games were exceptional this year and they became my primary media of choice again. They were so good that 2 of them made it onto my top 10 favorite video games of all time list. We enjoyed an embarrassment of riches in 2017, and I hope we know nothing else for the rest of our lives.

So what did I play in 2017? That’s a great question and I’m glad you asked. My platform of choice was PS4 (38%), most games came out in 2017 (66%), and I played more indies than ever before (60%). While you‘ll find a good number of blockbusters like Destiny 2, Persona 5, and Breath of the Wild, you’ll notice I missed some big ones like Assassin’s Creed: Origins, PUBG, and Call of Duty: WWII. There just wasn’t enough time for everything and I had to keep the bar high.

While I’d love to bore you with all 40 games I played I’ve hand selected a few that I think are worth highlighting. Let me know what you think and which ones you thought were worth playing this year.


Holy cow was Cuphead good. From the moment I booted it up I knew it’d be unlike any other game I played this year. The art, the music, the gameplay, the vibes. All of it was exceptional and Cuphead ended up being one of my favorite games of the year.


You likely missed this game as it came out late and had no advertising, but it’s a puzzle game/work of art worth playing. I watched a trailer and immediately bought, started, and finished the game. Hand drawn art is so in right now (see Cuphead) and there is nothing else like it on the market today. Do yourself a favor and play it in the dark with headphones on.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Holy crap. I thought I knew what a good RPG was until I played Divinity: Original Sin 2. I’ve only played 20 hours but it’s already one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played. The writing is superb, the characters are compelling, the systems are deep, the choices are meaningful, and the combat is challenging. I haven’t been impressed this much by a game, let alone a Kickstarter game, in a long time. It’s an incredibly intimidating game, but it’s one every RPG fan must play it. At least play the first act.

What Remains of Edith Finch

My review says it all, but what a storytelling masterpiece. Not only was I on the verge of tears by the end, but the well-curated experience impressed me at every single turn. My bar for what a good walking simulator can achieve has been upped.

Destiny 2

I’m not a big FPS or multiplayer fan, but I gave Destiny 2 a shot because I thought the campaign would be fun to complete with a friend. It wasn’t. Bungie has lost their magic when it comes to creating amazing campaigns. This game was never meant for me since the emphasis was always on multiplayer, but I can confidently say I won’t be playing Destiny 3.

SteamWorld Dig 2

Boy howdy did I like SteamWorld Dig 2. I didn’t like the original one but this sequel really nailed it. A perfect match for the Switch, SteamWorld Dig 2 was my cozy blanket when I wanted to curl up with a game and relax. Exploring the mines became my zen happy place, and in a year with lots of intense games I was thankful for that.

Persona 5

Persona 5 stole my heart, and I’m not just saying that because it fits with the theme of the game. My review captures everything, but I fell in love with the art, the world, the characters, the music, and the vibes. Thankfully I played it while unemployed, otherwise I might not have played what became one of my top 10 favorite video games of all time. For those intimidated by it’s length (~100 hours) you only need to play the game’s first act to appreciate it. Start there and play more if you feel like it.

Night in the Woods

For all the hype I expected a shockingly real look at life in a small town, and was ultimately disappointed. While it still had plenty of positives like great music, a cool aesthetic, and quirky characters, the story failed to hit home and felt flat and disconnected. A valiant effort but one that did not strike a chord with me.

Double Dragon 4

Such a good idea in theory. Such a bad game in execution.

Sonic Mania

Despite not being the biggest Sonic fan this game was pretty fun. I didn’t realize how much nostalgia I felt for the original Sonic games, and the new content was quite creative and good. For all the crap Sonic gets for its many bad games, this time they got it right for both old and modern fans alike.


Having dabbled in both Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering, neither grabbed me like Gwent. The former is too simple and the latter too complicated. Gwent strikes the perfect balance of complexity with its 3 lane game board and best of 3 play. I liked it so much I even purchased card packs, which is a first for me. No need to be a Witcher 3 fan. This game stands on its own just fine.

Horizon Zero Dawn

If you have 10 minutes of free time and like extremely amateur writing and video, watch my video review. Otherwise, know that Horizon Zero Dawn is extremely good as long as you take a critical path through the main content in the game. It was an unlikely winner in the overcrowded landscape of open world RPGs, and I’ve heard the DLC is ever better.

Everybody’s Golf

Golf games are back and Everybody’s Golf is leading the charge. It’s such a treat to kick back and play a relaxing round of golf with the soothing soundtrack and beautiful environments. This was my go-to if I needed to unwind and tune out for a bit.

Super Mario Odyssey

I wanted to like this game as much as everybody else but I just didn’t see it. Stuffed to the brim with filler content, Nintendo doesn’t give you the Mario you know and love until after you’ve seen the credits. While not a bad game, Super Mario Odyssey misses the high marks set by its 3D predecessors.

The End is Nigh

Although I didn’t feel compelled to finish the game, I was very satisfied with the time I spent with it. It might be impossible to recapture the glory of Super Meatboy, but The End is Nigh borrows its essence. Fans of Meatboy will love it, while everyone else will probably pull out their hair. For me it was just the right amount of pain and I enjoyed it.

Resident Evil 7

I don’t like scary games and don’t care for Resident Evil, but I liked Resident Evil 7. I appreciated its fresh take on the franchise and thought it executed the first two thirds of the game flawlessly. Given that I enjoyed it despite my distaste for the genre, I imagine Resident Evil and horror fans went nuts for this game.


I don’t get it. I don’t think battle royale games arefor me.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

This was supposed to be dumb but it wasn’t. The Rabids are surprisingly funny and the strategy gameplay is engrossing. I don’t care that it ripped off XCOM. It had just enough depth and charm to keep me going, and is an awesome pick-up-and-play game if you only have a few minutes.

Breath of the Wild

Game. Of. The. Year. I hate to be on the bandwagon but it’s true. It reawakened my sense of discovery and transported me to a land of adventure unlike any other game in recent memory. My waning faith in Nintendo was officially restored after this.

