DCX is here to make Digital Currencies more adopted and acceptable

7 min readJan 23, 2018

Bitcoin and so many other alternate currencies like Ethereum, LiteCoin, Bitcoin Cash, to mention just a few have been in limelight for over 4 years and counting. Everyone is talking about it but most people are still very skeptical about investing in them or even allowing them become a means of payments.

Speculators flocked to Bitcoin and many of the alt-coins in hopes of getting in early and making a big exit, but everyday users haven’t warmed to cryptocurrencies. There are many reasons why, but one of the largest barriers to mainstream adoption is the price volatility of cryptocurrencies.

So the question is, why do the prices change so much in the first place? It comes down to supply and demand: Most cryptocurrencies have only a fixed total supply, and yet demand for the coins is uncertain and constantly fluctuating thanks to speculation.

Why is stability so important?

The need for stability is not unique to cryptocurrency. Any currency needs to be stable in order to be used as a trusted medium of exchange. The more that prices rise and fall, the more ordinary people will shy away from using the coins for everyday transactions.

Whether they hoard the coins in the hope that prices will rise sharply soon, or they avoid using them altogether for fear that they will lose all of their value, people are not yet accustomed to seeing cryptocurrency as real money.

Worse, the unpredictability of prices wreaks havoc on regular money services, like remittance, currency conversion, and the use of ATMs. In order to use cryptocurrencies, businesses have to hedge their risks by charging exorbitant fees.

Bitcoin ATMs can charge up to 15 percent just to convert to fiat currency. This totally defeats the original purpose of cryptocurrencies, which was to offer a cheaper and more flexible alternative to other payment methods. With no advantage over government-printed money, why would the average person use them?

Patience is a virtue

Price volatility has plagued Bitcoin and other alternate currencies from nearly the beginning. With what we have learned over the better part of a decade, why have cryptocurrencies still not solved this problem of fluctuating prices?

Human nature gets in the way, as it tends to do. It is difficult to stabilize prices in a world where people would rather play the market and get instant gratification by re-selling their coins for as high a price as possible. Without careful planning from the very onset of a cryptocurrency’s existence, it’s hard to recover from the effects of speculation.

Having mentioned all these challenges, its not enough to talk about the problems, we have to come up with solutions. And that is exactly why DCX Manager is here. To remove those challenges militating against the mass adoption of digital currencies.

From above, the major challenges cryptocurrency is yet to overcome is summarized thus:

  1. Flunctuating cryptocurrency value
  2. Availability of payment solution
  3. Who will be held liable if something goes wrong
  4. Transaction processing time

Now what is DCX?

DCX is a global payment blockchain method that offers a digital coin backed by monetary money. For every DCX coin minted on purchase, an actual Euros, US Dollar, Britain Pounds will be deposited in country based escrow account.

Vision of DCX

This project is a project aimed at creating a digital currency that can be used as an online and offline transaction tool. The team from DCX has a great long-term goal in order to become a means of payment that continues to exist. In 2020 DCX intends to be the standard digital payment solution for top-class enterprise retail companies that we offer with the warranty they want in the service level agreement they offer with payment services.

What Solution does DCX profer to the listed challenges?

There is a long list of achievable solutions which DCX has proferred

1. DCX is Building a stable ecosystem

When building a cryptocurrency from scratch, you first need a solid foundation. From this foundation, the currency can grow and self-correct as it develops.

2. DCX is Gauging demand

The first piece of the puzzle is being able to reliably predict demand. Uncertainty around demand is the main cause of price fluctuation, as every user’s intentions are a mystery to every other user. Having a way to gauge real demand for a coin would go a long way in fixing this problem.

The issue with predicting demand, though, is the existence of speculators creating artificial demand. This is the core of the problem: With so much speculation, the price for the cryptocurrency will not reflect its actual usage and demand. It simply becomes a bubble that is constantly on the verge of bursting, and no one wants to risk their hard-earned money on that.

Traditionally, the solution to the problem of stability was to have a central bank. The government could then alter the money supply at will, for example by causing inflation. Cryptocurrencies are by definition decentralized — that is part of their advantage — and without a central bank they need an entirely new approach when it comes to squashing volatility. They need to do this without compromising the freedom of the users and without resorting to inflation.

DCX is going to gauge the demand and supply by monitoring the cryptocurrency which is DCX against Euro, US Dollar and Britain Pounds. If in any circumstance these amounts are not equal the smart contract responsible for minting new coins is put on-hold till balances are leveled and equal again. The numbers from these control processes will be made publicly available on our website.

3. DCX solves the problem of Volatile Currency Value by making use Local exchange instead of only Online Exchanges

This kind of approach can only work if there are dramatically more local exchanges than online exchanges. It would mean that the local exchanges would dictate the pricing of the currency. DCX will also focus on POS (point of sales) purchases in stores, bars and other establishments. Making digital currency available for purchases made offline will significantly increase potential revenue.

4. DCX solves the problem of Availability by setting up IT Operations & Customer support

DCX Managers will monitor multiple levels of the stack, OS, processes and services, front and backends. We do extended analysis of operational intelligence data which results in proactive maintenance and mitigation of possible technical issues. This support system will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What is DCX Coin?

DCX coin is the digital currency that will be used on DCX platform. It is also the rewardt hat will be given to users who keep DCX Coin in their wallets rather than changing to Euros/US Dollar/Britain Pounds.

Primary source of revenue will be the exchange fee merchants pay to exchange their DCX coins to monetary money. Initially we intend to use a fee of 3% of transaction amount in digital currency. 2% goes straight to a dividend wallet 1% will be transferred to operations wallet Second to the exchange fees, revenue will come from our mining license model. Hence mining is based on whitelisting principal, we will create a limited amount of mining tokens which will function as a license.

Process Involved in converting monetary currency to our DCX Coin and Vice Versa

Roadmap of DCX

To be a part of the DCX project, you can participate in DCX ICO

ICO Details

Basically we sell DCX tokens in 3 stages. Any tokens that are unsold during one of these stages may be burned.

Pre — ICO

  • Start: November 25 2017
  • End: December 14 2017 / When soft cap is reached
  • Bonus: 50%

Sales Stage 1

  • Start: December 22, 2017 00:00 UTC
  • End: January 04, 2018 / when hard cap is reached
  • Bonus: 20%

Sales Stage 2

  • Start: January 5, 2018 00:00 UTC
  • End: January 18, 2018 / when hard cap is reached
  • Bonus: No Bonus

Revenue Allocation

  • 80% of total amount of DCX tokens will be offered for purchase to the public under the ticker symbol DCX.
  • 10% of total amount of DCX tokens will be held in by the project for community initiatives like the reward program.
  • 10% of total amount of DCX Tokens will be allocated to DCX Ltd. to ensure future revenue and long term continuous development and improvement of the infrastructure and other services and solutions.

For more information, please check out any of the links below

Written by Rulelies https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1216033

