8 min readFeb 21, 2018


Hi guys, I am back again to review another ICO. This time, its ODEM.io. As ususal, I will give details of the challenges ODEM intends to solve and how they intend to solve it.

Many people seek to get quality education at a very reasonable cost. This however is not the case as getting an education is very expensive. There are several challenges in getting quality education. Some of the challenges includes the following

Problem: Education is not the focus of many universities
According to Kevin Carey, the Director of Education Policy at the New America Foundation, major spending at universities includes infrastructure, administration, scholarships and sports teams — but investing in classrooms and professors, which could actually impact student learning, isn’t on this list. It’s a sign that education is secondary to other interests.

Problem: The 4 year degree is too long and too expensive
Universities refer to this as a general education requirement — a series of courses taken to develop a broad base of general knowledge outside of one’s chosen major. These are often defended as a way to broaden students with skills to make them better members of society.

But here is what they really are: a cash cow — and an expensive and time consuming extension of high school. They’re a way to extend the revenue stream of the university.

With the average college graduate in the class having huge student loans, when will we say enough is enough? When will we ditch the 4-year degree?

Problem: University learning is linear, one size fits all
Universities have a linear learning model. You must follow a curriculum. Start at point A, end at point B. Check the boxes and get the degree.

A typical university education is linear — teacher focused, not student focused. The process of learning is a controlled by the teacher, just as the process of getting a degree is controlled by the university.

The problem is that linear learning is expensive, both in terms of money and in time. As a student, the path to a degree is set. Student choice is available, but mostly limited to electives. In the classroom, lectures are a “one-size-fits-all” approaches to learning. There is no tailoring to individual learning styles or interests.

This makes higher education more expensive than it needs to be. It’s not only the cost of tuition — the cost of housing, food, and transportation for the duration of the college experience add up to compound the problems of the linear model.

Haaving listed all the problems or challenges above, here are some of the solutions ODEM.io has brought

Solution: Self-directed learning
Students learn better when they control their experience. We can empower students by giving them choice in the classes they choose and in how they wish to learn.

Marketplaces are the epitome of self-expression. They allow for personal expression without the heavy hand of an entity who thinks it knows better.

And marketplaces are key for self-directed learning to take place. Students choose what they want to learn, when they want to learn it. With teachers competing for students, teachers will innovate and students will choose to take classes from the best teachers.

The low-cost delivery of virtual classrooms means education doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg or 20 years of debt. And teachers can make a great living teaching classes.

This open learning model puts the student at the center of education, not the university.

Together, these three solutions deliver the holy grail of education: they make education more affordable for students and more profitable for teachers.

Solution: Connect teachers directly with students through a digital marketplace
Teachers are focused on facilitating quality education — even if the universities that employ them are not.

So how do we connect teachers and students without costly university excesses? The answer is a digital marketplace where students and teachers find each other online.

The digital education marketplace does not require expensive physical infrastructure. There are no sports teams to support, no administration, no scholarships. It’s just teachers and students finding each other the 21st century way — over the web.

To some extent, MOOCs have begun this process. But, MOOCs are cozy with, and in many cases part of a university. So there is reason to doubt their ability to avoid the burden of the overhead that universities will eventually lay on them.

And this education marketplace is good for teachers too. A digital marketplace that connects students and teachers directly will:

  • Reward teachers financially for creating great courses
  • Incentivize teachers to create innovate with new learning environments
  • Attract new teachers to the field of teaching who would otherwise go elsewhere

Solution: A virtual curriculum based on my needs as a student
I believe that we must get rid of general education requirements and make them what they ought to be- optional electives.

Doing so would sharply reduce the credit hours required for a bachelors degree and, as a result, reduce the cost of college and the amount of money borrowed by students.

Once we’ve cut the fat from the curriculum by removing general education requirements, the remaining classes should be taken virtually through virtual classrooms. I’m talking about real, live virtual classrooms that are in many respects, as capable and dynamic as their physical counterparts. With multi-way video, video study groups, and social media integration, the virtual classroom of today and tomorrow is nothing like the virtual classroom of yesterday.

In fact, these virtual classrooms will better prepare students for the business world, where more and more business is being conducted virtually. In light of the affordability crisis today, virtual classrooms should be the norm, not the exception.

What is ODEM.io?

On-Demand Education Marketplace (ODEM) is a comprehensive platform that allows students, educators and service providers in the education industry to participate in a direct, decentralized, real-time marketplace. It empowers participants to search, select and purchase existing educational products as well as create, request and negotiate customized education experiences in person and online. Unlike online education providers like Coursera and Khan Academy, the ODEM platform focuses on creating real-time, in-person educational programs.

ODEM.io is a decentralized market where teachers from the best universities in the world offer science and students acquire knowledge. On the ODEM.io platform, everyone can register and publish unique educational books at a reasonable price. In my opinion, this market will grow rapidly, because the educational needs of creative students in the world, of course, are not enough, if only rely on local education. In addition, teachers in the ecosystem ODEM.io are expert teachers in a certain field, and some of them are the world’s leading universities.

ODEM.io implements blockchain technology to ensure the decentralization of the ODEM platform. Simply put, blockchain is a technology that can record and store data in publicly distributed books. The data stored in the block chain can not be changed by anyone, the funds will last forever. Blockchain technology also applies to Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptic currencies, which serve to record transaction information, including address, time, quantity and everything that can be controlled by the public. Blockchain technology is very useful in

ODEM takes on many industry challenges by:

  • Access to local and international experience, and personal educational experience. While ODEM can provide any kind of learning experience, the program emphasizes direct education in elite institutions around the world.
  • A single educational community where students, educators and service providers can communicate and participate directly in a secure environment.
  • A more efficient way to share and understand the requirements, goals, and details of education to meet the rapidly changing workforce and the globalization of students and educators.
  • Negotiation system, curriculum description and real-time single payment on an agreed schedule.


The ODEM platform is a multi-dimensional education market, accommodating participants, cost, location and scheduling. The effort to fund, plan and organize a complete in-person event requires technical nuances and specific requirements that are translated into well-managed schedules.

How ODEM works:

The ODEM platform will run with a more extensive One-day Teaching or Exercise Training Week, the ODEM platform connects students and educators in any way anywhere in the world. And with a thriving user community, the ODEM platform will be an ideal way to buy or sell tailored education and training programs at cross-border levels.

ODEM users must login to the platform, decide which services to buy, and the purchase records are saved to blockchain. Functions and activities performed prior to purchase, such as finding or adding a new curriculum will be handled by the platform.

ODEM Platform

ODEM Token Sale

Token Symbol: ODEM

Total Token: 396.969.697

CROWDSALE Will Start On 02/17/18


Given the global Token Sale regime, ODEM SA is committed to following certain best practices. ODEM token purchases will require KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) protection measures to ensure contributors can legally participate in token sales. ODEM believes to be a leader in the application of best practices. KYC form will be available in odem.io, home.


ODEM Team & Advisors

In this ODEM project comes from the state; Country of Switzerland

Furthermore, which usually becomes an important focus in the selection of ICO is who menggawangi project that was held crowdsale, and for this ODEM project let’s see the team members who menggawanginya:

Richard Maaghul — CEO

Bill Bayrd — COO

Michael Zargham — Chief Systems Engineer

Amit Garg — Chief Technology Officer

Gustavo Guimarães — Lead Ethereum and Smart Contract Architect

Kirsten Montgomery — Director of Finance and Resources

Ken Finch — Director of Global Sales

Asad Zaman — Director of Sales Pakistan

Bowen Gao — Sales — Emerging Market

Kris Yagel — Program Director and Designer


Steve Jarding — Education and Leadership Curriculum Advisor

Ingo Fiedler — Blockchain and Economic Advisor

Sven Beiker — Technology Advisor

Know more about ODEM.io





LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1216033
RANK: Member
ETH WALLET: 0x7d3dD876CAC731062337a61b333D548e7cc7AE8e

