Peer Mountain — ICO Review

8 min readFeb 14, 2018


Hello guys. Today I will be reviewing Peer Mountain ICO. First let’s get to the background as to why Peer Mountain came into the picture.

The volume of data handle these days is so large that they can easily be mishandled. The biggest challenge for big data from a security point of view is the protection of user’s privacy. Big data frequently contains huge amounts of personal identifiable information and therefore privacy of users is a huge concern.

Because of the big amount of data stored, breaches affecting big data can have more devastating consequences than the data breaches we normally see in the press. This is because a big data security breach will potentially affect a much larger number of people, with consequences not only from a reputation point of view, but with enormous legal repercussions.

n the past, large data sets were stored in highly structured relational databases. If you wanted to look for sensitive data such as health records of a patient, you knew exactly where to look and how to access the data. Also, removing any identifiable information was easier in relational databases. Big data makes this a more complex process, especially if the data is unstructured. Organizations will have to track down what pieces of information in their big data are sensitive and they will need to carefully isolate this information to ensure compliance.

Another challenge in the case of big data is that you can have a big variety of users each needing access to a particular subset of information. This means that the encryption solution you chose to protect the data has to reflect this new reality. Access control to the data will also need to be more granular to ensure people can only access information they are authorize to see.

Security is a process, not a product. Therefore organizations using big data will need to introduce adequate processes that help them effectively manage and protect the data.

The traditional information lifecycle management can be applied to big data to ensure that the data is not being stored once it is no longer needed. Also policies related to availability and recovery times will still apply to big data.

However organizations have to consider the volume, velocity and complexity of big data and amend their information life cycle management accordingly. For this reason, Peer mountain has brought solutions to these challenges.

What is Peer Mountain?

PEER MOUNTAIN is the first mobile distributed trust system and Decentralized Protection Trust, Peer Mountain also uses cryptographic protocols to enable people and institutions to create and own trusted recordings that include digital identity, trust relationships, and activity proof. Even the most sophisticated centralized data storage and transmission methods are vulnerable to outside attacks.

Peer Mountain goes beyond providing users with ownership and control over their cryptographically secure identities. It is an end-to-end application ecosystem that facilitates secure commerce and exchange of digital and physical services.

It facilitates trust and sharing of secure information with independent parties across a wide network while maintaining traceability and compliance at the end of each data transference. Peer Mountain is the first decentralized peer-to-peer trust. The market that connects the identity owners with the appropriate service providers, and opens new paradigms about how and where individuals and organizations do business.

Peer Mountain is at the intersection of consumers who want Self-Sovereign Identity and service providers who need Continuous and Reliable Compliance and Efficient Commercial Service Delivery. Trust providers offering validation services to third parties further support the ecosystem, which reinforces itself with network effects through Trust Interoperability and Portability. Peer Mountain is the facilitating technology for the Trust Ecosystem and sits right in the middle — without requiring that any of the three interests (consumers, service providers and trust providers) make a compromise of using someone else’s platform or solution. It’s truly peer-to-peer. Peer Mountain is a secure ecosystem, allowing users of various applications, including those presented in Figure 1 above, to share their information with one another. By building a world of sovereign identities and linking them together securely, Peer Mountain is creating a marketplace of trust across disparate entities operating in the global economy.

Peer Mountain’s Vision

Peer Mountain’s vision is to enable each of us, whether individual or organization, to manage our real-world trust online — to choose who we trust and how we trust based on our own assessments, values, and conclusions about the world.

Peer Mountain’s Objective

A major technical objective is to enable rapid consumption of services that are complex, difficult to deliver, and subject to regulatory requirements. With Peer Mountain, a user can complete a typical service dossier, such as a credit card application, in under 10 minutes.

The world is growing in deeper data accessing data and documents that are their identity through distributed ledger technology. Last year saw the number of successful offers from teams that developed the platform for self-identity, most notably Civic2. There are also many new and established offers in Know Your Customer (KYC), identity verification, and trust space, including Mitek3, Jumio4, AriadNext5, WorldCheck6, KYC37, and LexisNexis8. Now is the right time for the existing ecosystem in various platforms and entities while satisfying. Peer Mountain provides the full potential of this emerging paradigm.

Peer Mountain uses blockchain technology to supply people and organizations fully, securing their identity holdings, and for the first time, enabling people to share their information with organizations and every different place securely. Peer Mountain facilitates the rapid delivery of services through its blockchain framework. Identity may be the core part of Peer Mountain, but this can not be linked in Nursing. Peer Mountain identity platform is Associate in Nurse application schemes designed to facilitate trade and exchange of digital and physical services.
Private Organizations that use Peer Mountain may use delegates to demonstrate ownership and management. Peering mounts will then provide a verifiable record of those facts that may be shared with the organization or person who should be the most famous. Certain agencies, such as business registration or trade authorization bodies, may apply approval machines to validate this fact.

High Scalability

Because of their consensus mechanism, blockchains require higher data throughput. However, blockchains do not have the capacity to handle large transactions simultaneously.

Peer Mountain enables secure and transparent service segmentation across blockchain deployments. This means an organization can deploy services that require a high volume of real-time transactions on a deliberate Peer Mountain block, while applying the rest of their services to the common Peer Mountain block.

For example, a bank can run separate instances for demand deposits, certain types of credit cards, and car loans. This setup divides cross-case transaction volumes, enabling banks to achieve higher cross-services cross-throughput data, as well as cross-sample data compatibility. This means that banks can use information from customer credit card documents in the form of car loans and checking accounts.

Safe Transaction Without Compromise

Peer Mountain individuals and their organizations can safely share information using any application in the Peer Mountain ecosystem. By connecting sovereign identities and organizations, Peer Mountain creates a safe and efficient marketplace in different entities operating in the global economy.

Efficient clear Transactions

Latency in communication between blockchain node nodes as a result of building agreement within the chain limits its group action capability. this implies that blockchains don’t appear to be ready to method group actions at the speed needed for large-scale transaction process systems.

We have taken Associate in Nursing innovative approach to beat this limitation. we tend to believe that blockchain doesn’t ought to operate globally in each attainable node. In distinction, Peerchains ™ will co-exist and work harmoniously, every that specialize in a bigger a part of ecological trust.

Each Peer Mountain operates Peerchain ™ that we are able to use for every service supplier, regulator, auditor, and trade watch cluster or shopper protection cluster. Anyone WHO desires to review chain integrity will access the publically on the market chain soul.


Think of Peer Mountain as a real mountain with a wary border guard around it. Each Peer Mountain user has their own “bank safe” filled with safes hidden inside these mountains. They can insert copies of their documents into different boxes with special keys. Each button is unique and users can share it separately with entities they trust. By using this special key, this entity can access the user’s safe and get the information that has been shared with them, and nothing else. If the user decides to revoke access, the document vanishes from the drawer and the key in the modified drawer so far is possible under the law governing the business relationship. Further access to Peer Mountain is only by invitation.

Activities are pseudo-anonymous and private. With Peer Mountain, you use different people to interact with different entities, so your activities with one entity remain completely separate from interactions with others. Not only personal data, interactions are also private. Of course, you can choose to share it later, but the choice will still be yours.

Peer mountain SmartcapTM


There are three components that make up the Peer Mountain ecosystem:

  1. the mobile end-user (the consumer)
  2. the enterprise back end (the service provider)
  3. the attestation engines (the certificate provider)


Peer Mountain Roadmap

We have come to the end of this review. Do make sure to invest in Peer Mountain ICO.


Written by Rulelies.

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1216033

