How To Properly Clean Jute Rugs And Baskets

Braided Rug
2 min readSep 3, 2019


Jute is a versatile and sturdy material that makes a suitable option for rugs and baskets. Households will benefit from using the item due to aesthetic and practical function. However, the fibers and its natural color often lead to accumulation of dirt or worse discoloration. If you plan to own jute items, here are suitable cleaning and care suggestions.

Handling Stains

Removing stains from your jute rug can become challenging especially for beginners. One of the things you need to do is remove excess moisture in the area. Ideally, you should just dab the area and avoid rubbing. If the stain remains significant, then you can try consulting with a cleaning expert to diagnose the issue and determine the next steps.

Cleaning Materials

In cleaning jute baskets, determine the type of stain or dirt present. It will help you choose the right ingredient to clean the area. Do not use water in cleaning stains with acidic components. Instead, use club soda. For other types such as dirt, a soft brush with water helps do the trick. Additionally, stains with solid components require additional action. Try to first scrape the solid material and clean with either water or club soda.

Things to Avoid

While it may be tempting to clean your jute items with water, you should avoid using too much. Soaking or drenching the item can lead to further damage. It is due to the loosening of natural fibers and the inability to handle moisture for a long time. That is why it remains ideal to store jute baskets in specific dry areas of your home.

Shampoo and other harsh chemicals also have the potential to damage items made of jute. The process leads to discoloration of the material. It is because jute releases brown oils and using chemicals removes the oils. The problem remains observable in certain areas where changes in the brown hue occur.

Upkeep Methods

Timely cleaning and maintenance will help prolong the life of your jute rug. Set a schedule of at least every one to two weeks to remove dirt and dust. You should know that the accumulation of grit in the area leads to wear and tear of fibers. A vacuum cleaner remains a viable option to use for cleaning. Make sure to vacuum thoroughly to remove any unnecessary dirt.

If your jute item has taken significant dirt, it is best to go beyond vacuuming. Try to contact your preferred dry cleaning for serious maintenance. The process helps remove grit in hard-to-reach areas. A visit to the store once or twice a year can help prolong the life of your items.

The Bottom Line

Overall, managing your jute items at home require cleaning and upkeep. The suggestions help determine options to care for the fabric and prolong its life. Should an accidental spill occur, always focus on removing moisture to prevent damage. As you learn to understand the appropriate materials and cleaning process, it becomes easier to handle the item and determine areas where basket and rugs fit.

