Pituitary Adenomas Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery | Pituitary Adenoma Treatment in Bangalore

Dr.Sathish Rudrappa
4 min readMay 22, 2019


Defeat the cancer with Pituitary Tumor Surgery and Treatment in Bangalore, India with Dr. Satish Rudrappa the renowned and distinguished Senior Neurosurgeon in Bangalore, India who has operated over 17000 cases in the last 28 years. Till date he has done more than 6200 Minimal Invasive Brain Cases in last 10 years with a success rate of 99%. Conversion to open surgery was needed in only 2% of cases.

Dr. Satish Rudrappa was the first person in India to perform Image Guided Brain Surgery. His areas of Expertise in Brain Surgeries are Pituitary Adenoma, Acoustic Schwannoma, Meningioma, Glioma surgery etc.,. And also he has successfully treated more than 1300 cases of Pituitary Adenoma with a success rate of 95% by using latest techniques like Neuroendoscopy, Neuronavigation & Neurosonography.

The pituitary gland is located near the base of the brain. The gland indirectly, through other glands, controls many functions of our bodies. A tumour that has developed in the pituitary gland is called a pituitary adenoma. The pituitary gland is not technically part of the brain. It is attached to the base of the brain and works in conjunction with parts of the brain like te hypothalamus and affects their functions.

Pituitary adenomas are also not classified under tumours of the brain and central nervous system. Instead they are categorised as tumours of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is responsible for the production and secretion of various hormones into the body’s bloodstream. Pituitary tumours or adenomas are actually quite common; they occur in about 20 per cent of the global population and most of them are benign. In most cases the tumour is harmless and is only detected during routine observations for other conditions. In other cases however, a pituitary adenoma can become cancerous.

Though a pituitary adenoma is not strictly a brain tumour, the cancerous variety has many similarities with it in terms of symptoms and side effects. It also affects other parts of the brain by growing vertically and putting pressure on nerves.

Symptoms of Pituitary Adenoma

Hormones regulate many important body functions and physical processes. A pituitary adenoma results in an imbalance in hormone production. The tumour either causes over-production of hormones or their under-production.

Results of Over-Production

Ø Disruption in menstrual cycle in women

Ø Lowering of testosterone levels in men and loss of sexual appetite

Ø Some adults may suffer from acromegaly, in which the bones increase in size, including those of the hands, feet and face

Ø In children, it occurs as gigantism, which causes growth of hands and feet in spurts

Ø Unexplained weight gain

Ø Muscle weakness and easy bruising of the skin

Results of Under-Production

Ø Reduced hormones also cause loss of sex drive in men

Ø Infertility in women

Ø Hypothyroidism, which leads to loss of appetite, fatigue and decreased activity of the brain

Ø Adrenal inadequacy, which can cause low blood pressure, electrolyte abnormalities and also fatigue

Ø Insufficient growth hormones, which can cause delayed onset of puberty in teenagers and loss of muscle mass in adults

Affecting Other Nerves in the Brain

As with proper brain tumours, the growth of a pituitary adenoma puts pressure on surrounding nerve tissues. When it affects the optic nerve, it can lead to loss of full vision or peripheral vision and other optical problems. A vision test can determine how pressure is being applied to the optic nerve by the growth of the adenoma.

Treatment of Pituitary Adenomas

Treatment can target the symptoms of the tumour like those associated with hormonal imbalance by simple medication, usually by a neuro-endocrinologist to stabilise hormone levels. In extreme cases, malicious growth would have to be reduced or removed with non-invasive surgery. Stereotactic surgery is a form of radiotherapy, which can be an effective surgical intervention for pituitary adenoma.

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