The Brain Bar lessons from blockchain

Brain Bar
2 min readMay 22, 2018


What the hell is blockchain? Well, no wonder if you’re lost in tech translation. But it is here and is about to transform our societies.

And it is not just about money. Blockchain is applicable in various fields and for various reasons. The technology can be used for voting, to protect identities, increase trust and decrease risk. But how can it enhance customer experience?

Enter the economist and blockchain expert Jeffrey Tucker who had no idea what this technology meant initially.

“I couldn’t understand the technical details and I was biased against it,” he explained to “I didn’t believe you could make money from code. So I turned them down. Big mistake.”

Eventually Jeffrey became an enthusiast. He was converted when he first paid with his smartphone wallet in bitcoins for a pair of pliers back in 2013. How does a life-changing moment like that looks like? Exactly like this: “My heart raced. I jumped out of my chair and did a quick song and dance around the room. Somehow I had seen it thoroughly for the first time: this is the future.”

Jeffrey is now he is a proud promoter and defender of every aspect of crypto and has a Bitcoin ATM in his office. He is and adviser to blockchain application companies, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference and the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy. He even appeared on Netflix’ special documentary on bitcoin banking.

And he is the guest of Brain Bar’s new venture, Mastermind Sessions too. In this series of innovation workshops we are showing the road to the future with unique methods guided by stellar Brain Bar masterminds.

With Jeffrey, you will learn how blockchain technology can be applied in your company to boost the experience of your customers. Come and see how you can become a leader in your market by harnessing the power of this revolutionary technology!

