What do sci-fi and Aristotle have to do with your business’s success? More than you think

Brain Bar
3 min readApr 26, 2018


This year Brain Bar raises the stakes by introducing Mastermind Sessions. In this series of innovation workshops we are showing the road to the future with unique methods and the guidance of stellar Brain Bar masterminds. Sounds interesting? Meet Dorothy and Renáta, Brain Bar movers and shakers behind our new venture who’ll explain why this could be important for you and your business.

What is Mastermind Sessions and how is it related to Brain Bar?

Renáta: Mastermind Sessions gives you the chance to work and think with exceptional future experts. It is a day-long venture for professionals who want to bring cutting-edge knowledge to their business. In its workshops you’ll get a unique framework and methodology to reframe your visions, goals, products and services.

Companies are operating in an ever noisier environment to win customers. You have to arm yourself with bulletproof tactics to win as many battles as you possibly can to attract a loyal following and a steady revenue stream. At Brain Bar Mastermind Sessions we are giving you guidance and showing you strategies to achieve this.​

What will I learn and how will my company benefit?

D: ​You will learn to catapult your business decades into the future or approach it from an angle you’ve never thought of before. For example, consider your workforce as your customers and see where that thought could take you! We are also super focused on turning inspirations into action plans. We don’t want you to just attend a nice little conversation session, but to leave with ideas and a clear plan on how you can start building, working towards that idea from the very next day.

R: You’ll learn things you’d never expected, e.g. how to storify your strategy for competitive advantage with science fiction prototyping? What are the philosophical methods that improve the understanding of business problems and help make better decisions? How can creativity and innovation should be highlighted properly in an organisation? All in all, you will be able to reframe your future challenges and opportunities.

D: You will also receive our Trendbook containing a description on each trend discussed in each workshop with examples from real world applications. So even if you can’t attend a workshop, you’ll still have food for thought to take back to your team.

Who are the masterminds of Masterminds Sessions? Why did you choose them exactly?

D: ​We wanted to find masterminds who are not only experts in presenting topics, but are also practicing them as their day job. Their expertise can elevate business ​​development and innovation management to the next level.

For instance, how could ancient philosophers help you drive more revenue? Andrew Taggart, the practical philosopher will show how you can get rid of bullshit with the help of Socrates and build a more honest and successful brand.

R: Ari Popper, founder of SciFutures, ‘the coolest company on Earth’ whose clients include Pepsi, Procter & Gamble and Ford among many will introduce you to the world of science fiction prototyping, while musician and NYU Shanghai professor Eliot Gattegno will explain how to find the right balance of grit and creativity in your company.

D: An don’t forget crypto asset hedge fund director Jeffrey Tucker who’ll tell you about the revolutionary potential of blockchain!

How can I take part?

R: Mastermind Sessions are totally private and take place one day prior to the festival on May 31. You can choose from two workshops in the morning and the afternoon. You can attend just one, but

we encourage you to buy a daily pass, and we’ll honor your efforts with an All-festival pass of 240 EUR worth.

R: If you can only make it to a single workshop, you’ll get a day ticket with the day of your choice.

