What Does Wearing a Richard Mille Feel Like?

Most people wouldn’t even dream of touching a Richard Mille watch, much less wearing one. Yet, here I was yesterday, strapping one to my wrist. I’ve got to talk about how that felt.

Mogaii San
3 min readJan 9, 2024

For those out of the loop on Richard Mille, just know that the one I wore was snapped up for a whopping 650,000 SGD. These watches are the big leagues of luxury, scarce, and with prices that fluctuate like crazy.

Now, I’m no wizard with watches, and I wasn’t the lucky guy who owned this piece. So, I can’t dive deep into the specs and history. But, wearing something worth half a million? That’s a trip, and even as I write this, it seems unreal.

How Did I Even Get to Wear It?

Met with a client yesterday, the kind who’s rocking the snack game in Singapore with over 15 stalls. The kind of guy who wears a Richard Mille.

Out of pure curiosity, I asked about his watch. I’m no expert, but I know enough to spot a Richard Mille from across a table.

He shared how he got it for 650,000 SGD at retail and let me try it on. Felt like a rookie putting it on, not knowing how to adjust it properly. But once it fit, it was spot on.



Mogaii San

Creative Lead | Help Entrepreneurs Scale and Build their Business | Founder of Justbrain.co