brain groom
3 min readNov 28, 2016


As a young techie who’s adapting herself to the stressful, industrial life I have constantly observed my hobbies taking a backseat in the last couple of years! In fact, I must say, that the impact has been of such magnitude, that a huge part of my mental lifestyle has been influenced by this ignorance. I am sure it’s not just me but for a zillion technical nerds out there who are witnessing this change of lifestyle that’s influencing their physical and mental health. Like always, my mind wandered to Google and I started brainstorming on doing something creative and fun that can exert my physical and mental strength simultaneously. As always, Google paved way to the best possible answer Gardening!

Shocked? Well, believe me — I was shocked too! At first, of course. After spending 8 to 10 hours in the office I really wondered if anyone would ever have the energy to work with plants or for that matter, connect to the earth! However, some these facts that I came across, honestly shook me. For example — a recent gardening survey conducted in Netherlands inferred the following results.

“After completing a stressful task, two groups of people were instructed to either read indoors or garden for 30 minutes. Afterward, the group that gardened reported being in a better mood than the reading group, and they also had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.”

Sounds unbelievable don’t it? Well, this not all. This study from Norway makes a mark to my statement too.

In a study conducted in Norway, people who had been diagnosed with depression, persistent low mood, or “bipolar II disorder” spent six hours a week growing flowers and vegetables.

After three months, half of the participants had experienced a measurable improvement in their depression symptoms. What’s more, their mood continued to be better three months after the gardening program ended.

So finally, after taking all these facts and figures into consideration, I decided to give it a try. And guess what? It’s really helped me overcome my stress and work pressure! In fact, it’s helped me in much more ways than just reducing my stress — it’s actually helped me perform better at my work and be more productive!

Here’s how I see myself after indulging in this effervescent hobby!

  1. Garden therapy has been an unabashed stress buster especially after hours and hours of desk job. It’s improved my physical strength and helped me build stamina which naturally makes me more active and calm throughout the day!
  2. Tending to plants requires extreme observation and this, has in fact, and improved my level of concentration especially when I am multi-tasking at work.
  3. I noticed that over a period of time, my communication skills tremendously improved too! Don’t believe? Well look at it this way — gardening is a hobby that most people are always interested in. This has leaded me to talk to my neighbor’s and other horticulturist whenever I visit nurseries. Thus, naturally my communication levels have improved and I am far more outgoing now than I was ever before! Furthermore, the web world is by itself an online marketplace that is filled with humongous connections and influencers! For instance, Braingroom is an online portal/app that encourages tutors from varied sectors to come together and put minor classes and embark knowledge. Isn’t this the best way to communicate?!
  4. Last but not least, garden therapy has helped me extremely in reducing weight loss. What more would a person want than being healthy and fit?!

With proliferating activities and a myriad of hobbies around the globe, I always consider myself lucky to find the “one” for me that’s immensely influenced my life in such a positive way. Truly, garden therapy is a hobby that changed my life forever for good.

