You brain can be updated, here is why Part 1

Spiritual Brain
3 min readJan 9, 2019


What is thinking

Thinking reflects the perception of things and has its own distinct characteristics.

One of its characteristics is the indirectness of thinking. Thinking itself is most frequently based on certain carriers such as language and image.

Carriers of thinking

The first carrier and most used in thinking is language. However language presents certain limitations.

Commonly we depend on spoken language which leads to a decrease in the quality of thinking.

This is because there is a time limit for the expression of spoken language and because the speed at which we think is much faster than the brain without spoken language.

People who use spoken language to think are therefore limiting their thinking artificially.

The most important property of language is to provide reference points to allow the brain to express a concept in the mind.

The language is used to carry out concepts. The brain naturally has an internal language that precedes spoken language.

This internal language is silent, fast, extremely accurate and vulnerable. It is a way of thinking without the help of spoken language. It is the brain’s original way of thinking.

Internal Language has the following characteristics:

  1. Silence: When you read or think in internal language, you do not use spoken language as a carrier. It is a language without syllables which removes a lot of extra information.

Instead of understanding concepts through spoken language, we sort through the information by using internal language to process problems directly on the brain’s mental platform.

It sounds abstract, but everyone has experienced the internal language. For example, you suddenly remembered one thing, you just felt it, but you did not say it.

Or perhaps you thought about a problem for a long time without getting satisfactory results , but one day it became clear.This is your internal language. In short, it is the “idea” in your brain before spoken language takes place.

2. Speed. The silence of your internal language, determines its speed. In silence the brain can frees itself of the language center, resulting in instantaneous steps to complete the thinking.

This process is much faster than our usual thinking activities. This is the brain’s original, most comfortable, way of thinking. You can feel when your thinking is automatic and enjoyable without your intervention. It is because of this trait that much of brain’s potential is released, and is often “inspired”.

3. Accuracy. Many people think that when the brain’s thinking is fast, then its accuracy will be greatly reduced. On the contrary, thinking activities through internal language are the most comfortable ways of thinking because you are thinking through complete concepts rather than fragmented thoughts.

For example, when writing with a silent mindset, you can quickly write all the things you want to express as if copying from existent writing because it is already in your brain.

4. Vulnerability. It is precisely because we are accustomed to the spoken language as a thinking carrier, that determines the fragility of the internal language. It is vulnerable when the silent way of thinking is not established while we think with internal language.

For instance, if the spoken language is involved we immediately interrupt the internal language. We must find a way that does not affect the continuity of thinking in the brain but must also effectively prevent the brain from repeating the mistakes of relying on spoken language.

The third module in BrainHack, Original Wisdom Thinking, is the basic training to construct this stable silent thinking way.

In summary, Internal language is an efficient carrier of brain thinking and is a function of the natural ability of the brain.

The Second Carrier is Image. This is also called visual thinking. Before language was introduced, people’s thinking activities were mainly carried out through images in the brain. Children, who do not know language, almost always use visual thinking. People who cannot hear or speak also use visual thinking. Examples include body language and sign language.

The Third Carrier is intuition and inspiration. Often People will think about a problem for a long period without results but then while doing something else a solution will suddenly come to them. This is called intuition and inspiration.


Thinking is an important function of the brain, its realization requires a certain carrier. The spoken language is our most common carrier, but its efficiency is very low. Highly efficient carriers include internal language and visual thinking. The spoken language carrier can be easily achieved, while the internal language, visual, and intuition carriers require persistent training to achieve.



Spiritual Brain

How to live a spiritual life practically. Exploring brain potentials. Cofounder of brainhack