How to Be Happier — 30 Ways to Add More Happiness to Your Life

BrainManager Team
10 min readApr 11, 2023


A good happiness plan will take you from where you currently are to that happy life you’ve always envisioned. Here we’ve simplified things by providing 30 ways to boost your mood and help you enjoy daily happiness.

Make choosing happiness part of your daily routine!

“Happiness is within your reach.”

It’s an oft-quoted phrase, but sometimes it can be challenging to see its truth. We often find ourselves stuck in cycles of unhappiness due to unhelpful habits or tendencies we have developed.

However, research has shown us that breaking these cycles and cultivating happiness through intention and proper framework is possible.

But how do you begin?

It all starts with minor changes in how you approach your daily life. To get you on the path to happiness, here’s a look at some ideas you can use to create a foundation of joy and contentment in your daily life. But remember that everyone’s version of happiness is unique, and so will be their path.

30 Ways to Boost Your Mood and Be Happier

Finding lasting happiness takes time, but you can take some simple steps every day to increase your happiness levels.

Here are 30 ways to boost your mood, feel better, and add joy to your life.

1. Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Negative self-talk can cause a lot of stress, anxiety, and depression. Taking a few moments each day to acknowledge and focus on the positive things about yourself is critical to developing a positive outlook. It can also help you to reprogram your thoughts into more happiness-inducing ones.

2. Practice Gratitude

Being grateful is one of the simplest ways to boost your mood, among other benefits. Some studies support the idea that when you make gratitude a daily practice, it can significantly impact feelings of happiness and hope.

Try taking a few moments each day to write down things you’re grateful for. Or take time to pause and appreciate your blessings. You can do this consciously or through writing or speaking.

3. Laugh More

If you’re striving for happiness, you will want to ensure that your life includes plenty of laughter. Spending time with friends and family who bring joy into your life is a great way to find happiness through laughter. Also, watching funny movies or TV shows or even just laughing at your mistakes can help you stay positive and foster joy.

4. Be Social

If you ask people what makes them happy, one of the most common answers is relationships. We are social creatures wired to seek out and maintain connections with others. Being social boosts happiness and is essential for your overall health and well-being.

Make an effort to spend time with friends and family, reach out to old contacts, participate in group activities such as clubs or sports, and attend social events.

5. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Making comparisons is inevitable in the workplace, school, or social media. The result? Unhappiness. Comparing yourself to others can lead to jealousy, resentment, depression, anxiety, and a lack of self-confidence or self-esteem.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and happiness isn’t something we can achieve by copying someone else. Instead of the comparison, focus on what makes you happy and strive to be the best version of yourself.

6. Create Healthy Boundaries

A popular myth is that love should be limitless or boundaryless. But in reality, healthy relationships require boundaries. This means setting limits with people and clearly understanding where each person’s responsibilities lie.

Healthy boundaries can help to reduce codependency and make relationships stronger. Setting healthy boundaries also helps protect your happiness since it sets out acceptable and unacceptable behavior in a relationship. This may not go well with everyone, but it is OK to say no, and it does not make you a bad person.

7. Find Flow

Finding flow is being so engrossed in an activity that you lose yourself in it. It is a state of deep concentration and happiness. You can achieve flow by engaging in activities you enjoy — like reading, writing, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. It can even be something mundane like doing the dishes or running errands. The important thing is that you are entirely absorbed in the activity and feel happy while doing it.

8. Get Outdoors

Nature never fails to bring happiness, no matter the individual. Numerous studies have shown that spending time outdoors can help reduce stress and increase happiness. You can take a walk or go for a hike, sit outside and enjoy the view, or even spend time in your yard. Take time to appreciate the natural beauty and revel in the moment.

9. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to release stress and boost happiness. Studies show that regular exercise can help to reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and even increase the production of “happy hormones” like serotonin and dopamine.

You don’t have to be an athlete or do intense workouts to reap the benefits. Even just a short 10-minute walk can help improve your mood. The important thing is to be consistent in your exercise routine.

10. Don’t Hold Grudges

Holding on to anger, resentment, and bitterness can take a toll on your happiness. According to psychologist Jeffrey McAnnally-Linz, “We’re fragile, which means it’s always possible for us to hurt one another. And we’re fallible, which means we’re prone to let one another down in a thousand different ways.”

These two facts mean that forgiveness plays a vital role even in the smoothest relationships as well as in healing and happiness. But forgiving someone may not always be easy. It requires intention and effort. Make a goal to learn how to forgive and let go of grudges. If you’re on the wrong end of the grievance, take the initiative and apologize.

11. Set Achievable Goals

Setting realistic, achievable goals is essential for growth and happiness. These can be small goals such as learning a new skill or completing an assignment on time. Or they can be larger goals such as starting a business or getting a degree.

The important thing is that you set goals that are achievable and rewarding. This will help to motivate you and keep you focused on your plan. Additionally, take time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Doing so will give you a sense of satisfaction and boost your happiness.

12. Clear Your Mind

Having a clear mind and being present in the moment are essential for finding true happiness. Meditation can help to achieve this by calming the mind, improving focus and concentration, and reducing stress. According to Robert Waldinger, MD, a Harvard psychiatrist, meditation “enhances our everyday ability to notice the world around us.”

Not sure where to start? Try engaging in mindfulness activities, such as mindful breathing or body scans. You can also engage your five senses to stay present in the moment. This will help to melt away your anxiety and fill you with a sense of calm and peace.

13. Be Kind

Being kind to oneself and others is an essential ingredient that creates a ripple of positivity in the world. Kindness goes beyond just being nice. It’s about understanding and genuine caring. It’s about being compassionate, generous, and thoughtful. Offer your kindness even to those who might not deserve it, as this is a sure way to increase your happiness.

14. Declutter

You want to feel good about your space and yourself. When you clear out the mess, it is like cleaning out your internal clutter as well. You will feel lighter and more energized. Purge your belongings, organize the items you need, and create a welcoming and peaceful space.

The key is to create a clutter-free environment that enables you to think clearly and be productive.

15. Unplug

We are living in an age of constant digital distraction. Social media, TV, and the internet can be excellent sources of entertainment, but too much of it can be a detriment to your mental health.

Make sure you take breaks and unplug for periods. Doing so can help you recharge and reconnect with your true self. Use this time to do things that bring you joy, such as reading a book, going for a nature walk, or spending time with friends and family.

16. Detach from People’s Thoughts and Opinions of You

The opinions of others can start to become your own if you let them. Be mindful of what thoughts linger in your mind. Avoid giving too much weight to other people’s opinions.

Remember that you are the one who gets to decide how you feel about yourself and your life. Be true to yourself instead of hiding behind a façade of what you think others expect from you.

17. Prioritize Your Values

Putting what matters most first is essential to living a meaningful and happy life. The more you honor your core values, the better you will feel about yourself. Therefore, consider taking time to define and prioritize your values to make conscious choices and align your decisions with what matters most.

18. Forgive Yourself

We all make mistakes in life. Try to learn from them and be compassionate with yourself. It takes courage to move on and forgive ourselves. Still, it is necessary for self-growth, healing, and embracing our life fully.

19. Make Time for Yourself

Taking the time to do something for yourself is essential. This could be taking a yoga class, writing in your journal, or simply listening to your favorite songs.

Whatever brings you joy and peace, make time for it. After all, you’re the most important person in your life and deserve to be taken care of.

20. Consider Meditation

Meditation is an effective way to bring clarity, peace, and contentment into your life. It can help to reduce stress, increase focus and concentration, and deepen your relationship with yourself.

There are many different types of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, visualization, and guided meditation. As long as it isn’t complicated or overwhelming, find a method that works for you and commit to regular practice.

21. Look Within

Sometimes the answers we seek are closer than we think. Whenever you need direction or guidance, taking a break from the external world and turning inward will help provide clarity. Listen to your intuition and trust that you know the answers to your innermost questions.

22. Create Habits

Habits are powerful forces in our lives. They can shape who we are and how we think, feel, and behave. Ensure you create habits that enhance your life and make room for growth. Making positive habits part of your daily life makes you more likely to feel content and happy.

23. Be Open to Change

Embrace the unknown and be open to change. Doing so will help you to grow and become more resilient. Change can be uncomfortable, but it opens the door to new possibilities and opportunities.

24. Take a Deep Breath

Perhaps you’re tense and feel like every nerve in your body is on high alert. We all know that feeling. Take a slow and deep breath in these moments and remind yourself that everything will be all right.

Research confirms that slow and deep breathing exercises can be a highly effective way to reduce stress. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, envision a beautiful and happy memory with every inhale and exhale.

25. Embrace the Unhappy Moments

Not all moments in life will be happy. There will be times of sadness, anger, and fear as well. Acknowledge these feelings and make room for them, but remember that they will eventually pass.

Allow yourself the time to feel the full range of emotions, and you will be better equipped to fully enjoy the happy moments when they come.

26. Start Eating Healthy

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Eating a balanced and healthy diet will improve your physical health, boost your mental well-being, and help reduce stress. A healthy diet helps you maintain good gut health, which is connected to brain health.

Eating healthy enables you to stay energized and focused and also has a positive impact on your mood. Add more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to your diet. You will soon start to feel the difference.

27. Get a Journal

Journaling is a great way to express yourself, work through your thoughts and emotions, and keep track of your progress. Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and emotions can be cathartic and help you to gain clarity and perspective. That is why it’s essential to give yourself some time each day to journal whatever comes to mind. Always start with less and do more as you go.

28. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Being stuck in your comfort zone can be comfortable, but it will also prevent you from growing. Take small steps out of your comfort zone daily and push yourself to explore new possibilities. Being open to change and new experiences will help you stay energized and encourage you to take positive risks.

29. Learn to Give Back

We can all agree that life is more meaningful when living with a purpose. Helping and serving others can be a gratifying experience. Find a cause or organization you are passionate about and commit to doing something for it. It can be as simple as lending a helping hand or volunteering your time.

30. Get a New Hobby

Hobbies are a great way to stay connected with yourself and explore new interests. Hobbies can also give you an outlet for creative expression, help you build relationships with others, and provide a sense of fulfillment.

Find something you enjoy, like gardening, painting, or any other activity, and make it a habit. The more you participate in your hobby, the happier you will feel.

Your Happiness Is Within Your Reach

Life can be tough for all of us. These tips are not a magic solution, and if you are in a “bad place” emotionally, this list of 30 things may feel really overwhelming — especially if you try to implement them all at once.

We encourage you to pick a few you connect with, focus on them, and then move on to others. Or you can look at this list of happiness boosters like a calendar, with one thing to focus on each day. And have faith that the more you do the things on this list, the better you will start feeling.

Dealing with depression? Depending upon the severity of your symptoms, you may need to seek professional help.

If you or someone you love is in crisis, free and confidential support is available 24/7 through the National Crisis Lifeline — simply dial 988.

Author Bio Perus Khasiro, BrainManager Team

Perus Khasiro holds a BA in Economics and Sociology from Pwani University (and is working towards her master’s in Sociology). She is a mother of two, and like many moms (or people in general), she struggles with self-esteem issues from time to time (and is at a stage in life where she can face it).

Perus is on a growth journey to find her truest self by constantly unlearning childhood traumas to become a better parent to her kids. She’s, therefore, passionate about understanding personal development. But more than that, she’s really excited by discussions around the power of the mind — positive affirmations, gratitude, meditation, and the like.



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