Investing in Web3: Beginner's tips

5 min readSep 8, 2022


As the world of Web3 is still in its early but growing stage, so many folks are looking to take advantage by investing in this new and exciting phase of the internet. The growing excitement about the Web3 universe and all the new possibilities that come with it is driving people to join this upcoming web revolution. Web3 offers exciting opportunities for both consumers and investors. Freed from centralized control, in the decentralized world of the internet of the future, users can directly collaborate to build digital ecosystems, earn crypto tokens, and even reap some of the rewards of building a thriving online world.

Web3, still in its early stages, provides an exciting opportunity to invest and there are a few strategies that could give you the best return on your investment. So, stay tuned as we will break down some of the best ways to invest in Web3 and potentially make profit out of the new era of the internet.

What Is Web3?

Web3 is a concept for the evolution of the web that will incorporate blockchain technology and allow token-based economics and decentralization. It’s the next and the third generation of web technology with the ability to change everything.

Web3 allows users to have full control over their data and content, which means they can choose what information they share with others or restrict access completely. The theory behind Web3 is that it will build financial assets in a decentralized manner, which will be the foundation of almost everything you do online.

Why Invest In Web3?

To know that the global market for Web3 is expected to grow from $24 billion in 2020 to $176 billion by 2025 (700%) is an amazing reason for one to make some investment in web3.

Web3 as a user-centric atmosphere empowers users to read and write content while fully owning their data and assets on blockchain technology. It allows businesses to create new, innovative products and services that can be delivered directly to consumers. Many futurists, investors, developers, and innovators are excited about the evolution of Web3 as it will offer a whole new world of investment opportunities for everyone, from technology experts to various start-ups.

“Web3 is one of a few competing visions of what the next phase of internet-connected interactions will look like… In some ways it is a branding exercise for venture capitalists and on the other hand it encapsulates those initial utopian hopes for what all this digital technology can do to people’s lives.”
— Benjamin Dean

So, if Web3 is both a philosophical view of what the internet should be and a growing tech investment space, how do you invest in something designed to belong to everyone?

Investing in Web3

Here are some proven ways to invest and gain exposure to the growth of Web3 technologies.

Web3 companies and stocks

The growing attention and interest in Web3 increases by the day, and many technology companies are gradually repositioning for this next phase of the internet. Investing in a company’s stock is one way to get into the web3 development space. Besides buying web3 company’s stocks, you can choose to invest in startups building Web3-related products.


Almost all crypto/web3 companies have their token or cryptocurrency, which can be purchased through an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) or other crypto trading platforms. This is a bit more similar to buying shares of a company, where you get to invest directly into that company’s success.

Cryptocurrency can be an excellent investment choice in web3 agreeably, but holding Web3 tokens exposes investors to both the success and failure of the company. Hence, it’s important to thoroughly research (DYOR) any Web3 project before investing in any cryptocurrency or token.


NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are considered one of the first building blocks of Web3 and they are digital representations of items that can be any art, creations, or products as proof of ownership in web3, where they can be sold, purchased, and traded.

NFTs possess various potentials, which will most definitely increase with the introduction of the metaverse, making them a viable investment option for the future.

The Metaverse

The metaverse is a comprehensive description of the worlds that Web3 will create and it is a large part of the future of Web3, making it an exciting investment opportunity. Through the combination of different technologies, like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) the metaverse will create a substitute universe that will mirror ourselves.

Top-rated brands and businesses have been exploring their options on the Metaverse recently, some of which include brands like Adidas, Nike, and Fortnite, which have a wide range of in-built metaverse experiences.

Disclaimer: These tips are not Financial advise, you are encouraged to conduct thorough research before investing in any Web3 company, stock, cryptocurrency or product.

In Web3, activities and data would be hosted on a network of computers using blockchain rather than corporate servers. Your internet activities would be represented by your crypto-wallet and websites hosted through decentralized applications, digital applications run on a blockchain network.

Web3 provides the most excellent opportunities to invest and make money, but it is important to understand the risks involved and the best safety practices. Although it is challenging to identify which companies will be a big success because of their evolving nature.

The concept of Web3 is still at a nascent stage, so there is a lot of uncertainty about the future. However, if you do your research and invest in the right projects, you can become profitable with time.

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