How to build post-pandemic professional resilience?

2 min readJul 28, 2020


The job market got shaken — no question about it.

Now more than ever, companies are cautious when hiring, because everything is at stake. The old rules of job advancement still apply, but the bar is higher.

So, how does one stand out from the crowd?

T-shaped professionals are some of the most resilient candidates out there.🌱

The vertical bar on the letter T represents the depth of skills and expertise in a single field, whereas the horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge in areas of expertise other than one’s own.

T-shaped professionals make career advancements much faster. At the Brainster Bootcamps, we developed a curriculum that provides exactly that.

The programmes consist of a fixed track and a choose-your-own-adventure track that allows students to explore and experiment.

We take into consideration that everyone is different and that’s why we design our programmes to help different types of students soak up as much knowledge and skill as possible.

To thrive, one must develop a curious mind and adopt an ever learning mentality. A contemporary tech professional knows business and psychology, has people skills and knows good coffee.

Discover the 10 reasons to join our UX/UI Design Bootcamps is Vienna this Fall.

Find out more about our Bootcamps in Vienna.




A tech-ed company on a mission to help people future-proof their careers by learning in-demand tech skills like Data Science, UX/UI Design, Coding and more